Dreamlike - 如夢般的,形容事物像夢境一樣虛幻或不真實。
- 例句:The landscape had a dreamlike quality, with soft colors and a hazy atmosphere.
Fantastical - 奇幻的,充滿想像力的,常用於描述超現實或奇異的事物。
- 例句:The movie was filled with fantastical creatures and magical worlds.
Ethereal - 縹緲的,超凡脫俗的,形容輕盈、空靈或難以捉摸的美。
- 例句:Her voice was ethereal, as if it came from another world.
Surreal - 超現實的,形容事物像夢境一樣離奇或不真實。
- 例句:The experience was surreal, as if time had stopped and reality had melted away.
Enchanted - 被施了魔法的,充滿魔力的,形容事物帶有神秘或迷人的特質。
- 例句:The forest felt enchanted, with glowing fireflies and a soft, golden light.
Magical - 魔法的,神奇的,形容事物帶有不可思議的魅力或力量。
- 例句:The sunset over the ocean was truly magical.
Whimsical - 異想天開的,充滿奇思妙想的,形容事物帶有輕鬆愉快的夢幻感。
- 例句:The artist's whimsical paintings captured the imagination of everyone who saw them.
Otherworldly - 超凡的,來自另一個世界的,形容事物超越現實或世俗。
- 例句:The music had an otherworldly quality, transporting listeners to a different realm.
Celestial - 天上的,神聖的,形容事物如天空般純淨或神聖。
- 例句:The stars created a celestial glow that lit up the night sky.
Mystical - 神秘的,帶有神秘或超自然色彩的。
- 例句:The ancient ruins had a mystical aura that fascinated visitors.