How to communicate with Taurus girl

You meet a person, you love him more, so, you will always lose him.Then, you meet another, he love you more, so you leave him sooner or later.Until one day, you meet a person, you love each other.Finally understand, all looking for, there is also a process.Once upon a time in TianYa, now near.Before love each other, communication is the premise, today, small make up using horoscope to tell you, and howAriesThe girl.

How to associate with Taurus girl _ the zodiac

Character analysis, relatively speaking,TaurusGirl is not very good.Because they are generally more capable and very realistic, are less likely to believe that man's sweet words, if you want to catch up with them, really need to have certain financial support.This is not to say that she is really the love of money, but this is her a measure of your ability.

Gentleman's action: niuniu is realistic, so want to chase her hand, want to let her first, satiated with food and let her wear warm playing well.Go?With what method?Still use to say?

1. Don't trust the Taurus girl, don't be fooled by them a bit dull appearance.There are a lot of people have been on the books of all the constellations, the stable, faithful and loyal to Taurus deep skepticism.For them, this is a the most can't easily trust the feelings of signs.Is not because they are flower heart, but this constellation of people actually have some unfathomable, if two people playing a long game, I thought that vertical white flag could be Taurus rival.

2. Unless she's willing to believe you, even if the tool rest neck, she will not be persuaded not to do your own thing.This is an emotionally definitely don't want to risk, also will not tolerate failure one of the signs of the zodiac, don't look at her a girl next door, began to despise your enemy.

3. She will choose to do for a long, long time good friend with you, met you the most hateful, to decide whether to go further again, in order to avoid crying days later called to say that they see eye.Because she cannot bear most is to see the eye, although is to take part in accidental amusement, she will wipe your mouth clean.So, she have a chance to make fun of other people's.Actually learned these, there would be mastered with Taurus, the most important point: why don't you deal with a man as he deals with you?You can also use enough time to see what she is worth you pay.

Every Taurus woman's heart is the unforgettable feeling hurt.This does not mean that they more easily than other constellation girl having feelings cheats, just because they are inherently insecure, easy to be swayed by considerations of gain and loss.Therefore, if the Taurus woman in front of you always show the nostalgia for the old love, don't think she was declined you;Instead, it represents a signal: my knight, quick play, save me from the misfortune!So in this time, you have to comfort her, and she declared for firmness love to die, assure her that you are not that kind of flower heart man to chop and change.

First of all, must not dismiss her ordinary vulgar.

Let her modest vulgar, Taurus is love, you have to accept and optimistic, and give appropriate guidance, don't arbitrary pole killed, that would make the Taurus woman are very sad.

Second, give respect to her opinion

Taurus women usually don't speak much, once she said, also said that she has made up his mind to, so even if your in the mind to her opinion, also don't directly against, give some time to communicate, we can only reach the best unified pace.

Finally, the occasional romantic surprise (alwaysThe zodiac/astro/)

Though niuniu is very practical, but at the same time, they also love romantic feelings.Don't forget the appropriate material reward to the ox, a candlelight dinner in a fancy restaurant meals;A moving concert...Not too much, can make them willing to go with you.

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