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Was born on April 21 solstice every year on May 20, is in the summer night in the sign on the west side of the galaxy, Venus isTaurusGuardian planet, so the constellation Taurus is conservative, Taurus artistic cells, highly appreciate any art taste and ability.It was the goddess of love and beauty Venus patron saint.The second of the zodiac sign is Taurus, the bull is its representative animal.Taurus is in late January at dusk the culmination in the south can see signs of the zodiac, and a head of Taurus, as one of the brightest silver star is Taurus right eye.It has always been and is known for his strength, and sometimes wild, sometimes quiet natural forces.The sun will be sent to you by the star during 4/21 to 5/21, it is the beauty of spring flowers in full bloom season, who was born in Taurus people at this time, not only has the beauty and harmony of spirit, more gentle and amiable person, and like nature.

All about Taurus _ the zodiac

Constellation Taurus is conservative, I don't like change, safe is his attitude towards life.Taurus is the one who is, won't be impatient urge, can only endure, eat bitterness of bitter, here it is their portrayal), and they are very stubborn, once decided, don't want to make any change.

Because of the lack of a sense of security, unemployment is the most afraid of facing problems in Taurus, that mean they lose the center of gravity of the life.Taurus men have a tendency to potential male chauvinism, don't speak more in the home, but for dignity very seriously;Taurus women on the one hand, practical, on the one hand, also love to dress up oneself, because the patron saint of Taurus is the embodiment of love and beauty Venus.Slow to warm them often, spend a period of time to get used to a relationship, a job, an environment, but after adaptation, they rarely change itself, unless it is necessity.(The zodiac/astro/)

Taurus have art cells, with high artistic taste and appreciation ability, is also a natural gourmet.

All the relevant contents of Taurus

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