All about Aries

Born March 21 solstice every year on April 20, the essence of Mars is positive, is the lux object in the sky, give a person the sense of bravery, so named after ares, the symbol of courage, strong, morale and male charm, in charge of the momentum and desires of the individual, the group has a certain influence.The first of the zodiac sign forAries, so this sign related to start.Aries is at dusk in December, can see signs of the zodiac in head near the south direction.There are two of the brightest stars are Aries horns.During 3/21 to 4/20, the sun through this sign is the night to be shorter than the day of the "vernal equinox season, because in the spring sunshine is more long, so all kinds of flowers begin to bloom, Aries people born in this period, it is full of vitality and energy is active.Aries people born to new things are investment, and risk taking, the pursuit of speed.

All about Aries _ the zodiac

Aries energetic and ability is very strong impression to the person, the facial features outline for deep and bright, forehead and cheekbones high and strong jaw, lips closed.Thick eyebrows, eyes sharp and direct, the nose is longer than the other.Mercurial character;A natural fighter, supple.(The zodiac/astro/)

Aries people are passionate impulse, love adventure, generous, daring not afraid, and once determined, ambition never dies until there is no way out, the obstacles to achieve a goal.Most people belong to Aries temper fickle, and holding grudgesScorpioThen the reverse is Aries.

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