Pisces will shed tears

Pisces: sad tears of despair

Pisces people loving care for the world, with equal great heart to love each and every one around you.Maybe someone think Pisces kind easy to cheat, play some HuaHuaChangZi deliberately oppress them.Wait until they thoroughly despairing, will stay away from these thought wise man.If a person bai Pisces isolated, then this person will not reflect on really hopeless.

Pisces will why tears _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Pisces will shed tears, but very few tears in front of people, if really tears, is really couldn't help it, is someone something thoroughly despair will shed tears.Pisces will hide too much, even if the injury will be laughing with friends, seems to don't see you a little bit of sadness, in front of people, you always open and bright, very lively.Pisces even if was black and blue all over, or stubborn pretend a pair of doesn't matter, a person hide in the corner of the unmanned cry and comfort themselves.

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