Capricorn will be why shed tears

Capricorn: lonely tears

During the ChristmasOn Christmas EveThe coming of a lively little life came to an old castle, adulthood is inherited the ownership of the castle.May be far away from the city's sake, he seldom have too much contact with the outside world, because inside the castle, even the occasional distant guests near the castle, also can't open the young man's heart.As the years passed, he finally decided to get out of the castle, came to the world outside, but found himself unable to cope.After suffered countless ridicule and supercilious look, he chose to escape, continue to return to his own castle.

Capricorn will be why tears _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Or, Capricorn too sensitive qualities make them unable to fully integrated into the world, but now, interaction between people more and more frequent, they must be built yourself out of the cage, blend in social life, don't shed tears of loneliness in his own castle.

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