Scorpio will shed tears

Scorpio: a brother tears of betrayal

Scorpio people always don't beg, who has the same birthday but seek common years in the same month on the same day to death.Once, the brother of bloody atmosphere out of the pleasure of life together.River's lake children river's lake, river's lake feud is broken.Big block of meat WanErdrinkingThe rallying cry of nine days into the sky.Time such as the blink, describe all became legends of the past, to struggle together brothers feeling already, to share social status, identity fame of convenience.

Scorpio will why tears _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Tao is the heart every belly, a moment, once blood brothers into death adversary, began a series of not smoke more bitter struggle.Through arduous struggle, finally won the victory, all is only in the face of ever photos, look at those familiar with the unfamiliar faces, regretted his heart, tears stream down anymore.

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