Taurus advantages

TaurusCharacter strengths

Very independent, and can create their own domain:

The sign of Taurus is itself a associated with fence, that represent it to only belong to my field of value, its definite view has never been out of thin air, but the accumulation on the basis of years of experience.

Work sedate, never indulge yourself:

Taurus is self-discipline, although is to enjoy, but when the pleasure with their work goals, the goals of your life, they will abandon hedonism.

Precept is blind taught:

Taurus advantage _ the zodiac

Taurus people has a lot of energy, at the same time, also very willing to teach others, generally take example for evidence, facts, make people completely convinced.

No one can enemy money in clouds power:

Taurus people have particular means to control the money, they can pieces, can also be zero for the whole, proper money management means to make their wealth more and more like a snowball, created the abundance of material life.

The Taurus man,A woman, children also have their own the personality is distinct features:

Taurus men:

His life by his solid leads the life philosophy, make every stage can set different goals to recruit, calm patience, indeed invisible, firmly believe that no pains, a harvest, is absolutely the strong in career;Take marriage very seriously, once

To become his life partner, the Taurus man will comply with the oath, life.

Taurus woman:

Is affected by the strong Venus and the moon, the Taurus woman not only beautiful appearance and rational calm, never believe the world have a free lunch, think they have worked for to ensure the material than married to happiness;Set up after the family, but also to

His family is the most important consideration, they are all gorgeous capable mistress!

Taurus children: (The zodiac /astro/)

Is a smart slow coach since I was a child, other children poor crazy disturbing, he easily immersed in their own world, love to do manual, of aesthetic appreciation ability is very outstanding.

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