Leo personality strengths

LeoCharacter strengths

Have the leadership skills:


12 constellation Leo is one of the most leading spirit and courage, can overcome any difficulties and obstacles.Stick to the truth and justice.Has a strong sense of responsibility and obligation to help others.


Your love life, always bravely to pursue her dream, in the process of practice, they always kept thinking, how to "put the ideal into practical action", or "resistance to power" this kind of problem.

Leo personality advantage _ the zodiac

Do you feel surprised for their king masculinity, will not consciously looking?

Let's take a look at the Leo man,A womanAnd the child's character.I believe you must have been looking forward to oh.

Leo men:

People around like sunshine zhaofu: the family is the lion kingdom men's joy, love their children.Welcome friends interact with one another.Careful and meticulous in all things, always want to do everything in perfect shape, and hope that through your efforts, make you around

Can joy and happiness.

Leo woman:

Seldom see her wearing a crumpled untidiness constantly aitches pajamas, send out a head, left the trail of cold cream on her face.Good at communication, good at communication, won't make trouble without a cause.Clever, strength of character, ability, soft but not women.

LeoThe child

He won't deliberately provocative, he is just not consciously want to walk front of the band to represent himself.He keep the noble appearance do not break elegance, he will politely accept everyone's concern, gift and praise.(The zodiac /astro/)

With their advantages of different character, they face saving, confidence a bit arrogant, often care about others opinion of himself, often make yourself unhappy.

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