The devil in the character of Taurus

TaurusCharacter of the devil

Taurus: black silk Annie

Black silk Anne is a petty and vicious monsters in the difficult, she is living in the highland swamps or hillside man-eating witch, blue skin, one-eyed, wrinkles, old and ugly and sod, often sitting on a pile of bones outside the cave, waiting for prey.Have their own nest, like to be alone, is withdrawn, eccentric, bear grudges, and with the same creature are not compatible.Black silk Annie is very lazy, don't like the initiative, withThe spiderLike waiting for prey back and favorite food is to eat human flesh, if no one can eat, she will be in order to fill the stomach back out to catch some sheep or deer.Finish eating bones like pile, nothing like sitting in bones and stroked bones, dry skin and throat purring, make whole person looks very terror.

The devil in the character of Taurus _ the zodiac

Taurus personality characteristics: gluttony, narcissistic, introverted and arrogant, lazy,The zodiac /astro/)

The devil fit Taurus: 70%

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