The devil in the character of Capricorn

The devil in the character of Capricorn

Capricorn: vampire

Vampire is an appendage of ghosts, eyebrows shaggy, palm woolly, withThe graveandThe coffinFor the home, afraid of sunlight, often at night from the grave to take the blood of the living, to extend their life.Vampires are often not the teeth of the victim, but through the pores of the skin blood, the vampire destroyed after death will become a vampire.Against vampires can use sunshine, holy water, holy sacrament or cross, wooden nail into its heart can let it never be raised, the vampire is afraid of garlic said law from Romania.The origin of the modern vampire in A.D. 1462, the earth temple jun butyl fort has been attacked by the turks, as a coach the duke ordered conquest, the Turkish army.Only when he wins, rumors, rumors of his army was defeated in the front, he himself was killed by the enemy.As a coach the duke's wife lisa distraught and then commit suicide, the duke of move troops can come home as a coach to see his wifeThe bodyAfter the agony, he angrily asked god, why he fought all his life to give priority to, finally got this result.So he spear pierced Jesus on the cross, the blood fourth-rate, from then on, he went to the devil, in blood, for life, become an immortal vampire.

The devil in the character of Capricorn _ the zodiac

Capricorn personality characteristics: smart, endurance is strong, rigid, dark, good adventure (The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn the devil fits: 88%

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