Pisces boy and Capricorn girl happy chance

PiscesBoys and girls Capricorn happy chance

Pisces men and Capricorn girl happy chance: 40%

Capricorn girl is happy, the boys can and Pisces the risk occurred mainly comes from the two factors, is Capricorn girl's beauty and Capricorn girl be dull, because Pisces guy is greedy beauty, continuous abdominal black.

If Capricorn girl pretty enough, so the Pisces boy can include almost all the character of the gap, and Capricorn girls together happy life oh, if Capricorn girl enough slow, just don't see people around abdomen black, can also be happy.

Afraid is afraid you are beautiful enough is a smart, so she can see Pisces hypocrites, Pisces are failing to deal with, two people have a low chance of happiness.(The zodiac /astro/)

Pisces men and Capricorn girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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