Libra boy and Capricorn girl happy chance

libraBoys and girls Capricorn happy chance

Libra boy and Capricorn girl happy chance: 15%

Capricorn girl really doesn't fit the libra boy, because libra men play is ambiguous and heartbeat, Capricorn girl will never play, to put it bluntly, Capricorn girl is libra boy jack, even not the spare tire.

Capricorn is easy to like libra, because being solitary person, see bright warm, will close to the desire of instinct, libra is a nice way to anyone, hard to avoid can give themselves and Capricorn is a kind of illusion of hope.

But pinch, libra is like that as well as his versatility guy, so you must have is not in the scope of libra mating, the last ending, two people not happiness, probably ended in Capricorn dim and let it go.(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra boy and Capricorn girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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