Capricorn boy and Capricorn girl happy chance

Capricorn boy and Capricorn girl happy chance

Capricorn men and Capricorn girl happy chance: 20%

Because Capricorn girl speed to all concerned with differences between the two sides in feelings, so a period of less than, Capricorn girls have long ignored the same sign of Capricorn men, don't have emotional appeal for Capricorn men, to do the things too serious a box.

And Capricorn men is felt the Capricorn woman sometimes too seriously, too willful, in plain English is nothing but too many similar places, between two people in the same situation, so always think of each other is not too much, but little from their own body to find the reason.

Hand Capricorn girl actually and any boy happy chance is not high, not because Capricorn girl is bad, but because they are too clinging too tough, so the objects around it's hard to meet their requirement.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn boy and Capricorn girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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