Aquarius: true and false pure big PK
Aquarius:True and false pure big PK
Pure index: u u u u
When is the most pure: do yourself
When not pure: and the stranger
Preliminary identification results: so pure
inThe zodiacAquarius is the most full of artistic breath, also one of the most idealistic.They have their own survival philosophy, was not willing to others to change itself, is not willing to for what specific purpose to please others, to deceive oneself.No matter each other are good friends, rivals in PK.
(the zodiac/astro /)
Although, of course, their hearts very independent, but they subjectively, or don't want to give a person a kind of very impolite impression.Therefore, while others are enthusiastically a conversation with them, they will respond enthusiastically.But they never tell the truth to anyone.
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