Gemini true pure big PK

GeminiTrue and false pure big PK

Pure index: u u u u u

When is the most pure, the pursuit of a person's time

When not pure: break up with someone

Preliminary identification results: so pure

inThe zodiac, Gemini constellation is one of the most misunderstood, because they love fresh, flower heart, often in lovers, everybody think Gemini must be a very insecure person, many magic magic behing thing inside, for lying to more feelings.

True and false pure big PK_ twelve constellation Gemini

(the zodiac/astro /)

But the fact is not so.Is a very along with the gender of the constellation Gemini, although they are emotionally is a prodigal, but they say love you, really mean it, and say break up, also didn't tell a lie.They just according to their way of life to pursue what you want.

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