The dark side of Aquarius: impulse of monsters

Aquarius:The dark side: impulse of monsters

Aquarians are modest appearance, the heart is boiling hot, say heat, rather than the blood, because in my opinion, they are not water in the bottle, but the gas, colorless, tasteless intangible lightweight gas.Said this, not to how much water is lightsome detachment of temperament, they are hollow, weight is light, looks strong, hard heart is fragile.They often show the seemingly profound image of the wise, and appearance looks dignified but has the feeling of a mystifying to show off.Outside a bottle, like a bright shine bright and clean like jade, but from the bottle when pouring out will be a high pressure gas or bulk water, no one can predict.And water bottles are very care about this kind of by other people is not easy to see through feeling and high spirit to enjoy brought by the unexpected, they often surprisingly expresses the outbreak, a surprised a at first glance, let others feel incredible, and they will have someone else's confusion.

People often think of Aquarius people very strange, in fact, in the beginning, water bottles, feel not so instead they will think everyone else is weird, more see more feel strange.And almost no curiosity of people, which are themselves (strongest curiosity is a virgin), it is easy to turn your attention to take care of themselves, should feel more strange to have greater difference with others.So that they can in order to show is different from others and do alternative, bold and rebellious.Very intense, never lose their individuality, to oneself too confident, and often see his own shortcomings and thinks highly of, nothing.This gradually formed the pride and arrogance for virgins, virgo is in their value standards than the crowd of their low status did not avoid arrogance, and Aquarius is all occasions, regardless of their population, are naturally arrogance, a supercilious.Curiously, even though you see bottles that blocked the personnel's arrogance, and still nobody will get angry angry go to, no one will be easily also reveal contempt hostility.Because the performance of the water bottle superficial, and is a mere skeleton, no, this often let a person feel unchallenging and superior sound.

The dark side of Aquarius: _ the zodiac impulse of monsters

What popular what bottle is no innovation spirit, come, go with the flow out of fashion, also like to do STH unconventional or unorthodox, grandstanding, taste is very low, actually, lazy and stupid.inPiscesEyes, they are a group of clowns, show the roadmap, how learned advanced touts itself.Actually never appeared in the history of the genius of Aquarius, is the genius of the Pisces installing on the head of water bottles (calendar in ancient and modern, many as Aquarius is Pisces), sign the book's most like to brag about how smart Aquarius, wisdom, sage like type, fully corresponds to the Aquarius.They have no talent, will only copy others idea of creation, and posing as their original, used to boast show, resulting in a widely read many just the illusion of Aquarius.They to thought without a deep understanding to the theory, derivative use again, is a very superficial understanding.

Aquarius often boasted of how indifferent to fame and wealth, nature is actually a common rogue, lazy, unlearned, brag and bumbling skill practice astonishingly.They are like to kiss up to listen to popular, domineering, listen to not into an unpleasant advice.They have been touted as the most calm (constellation is actually the most calmLeo), but they are lazy actually slow, fixed in one spot, all be kicked.Little things can inspire their temperament, especially like comparing, the less it into a rage, and jealousy of also won't agree, argue irrationally, a face of arrogance and owe a flat.

They collect inside when a person's performance is very stable, public servant here, the more the more they excited, all kinds of show,.They are the most impetuous of the kind of people, like the growling, he never kept his not calm.Will growl when in order to show his hesitation, they never want to low-key calm in front of a lot of people, had better be out of the limelight also cannot be hit to satisfy them.They can't afford to setbacks, but even to outsiders, they have a monkey, but an Aquarius, not ashamed, with pride, it is very difficult, so they have frustration.They are ugly as the beautiful kind of person, this also is they are in pursuit of eccentric and naturally forms part of the style.They will reveal themselves in public Revelations to win others' laugh and feel better, think it is their ability.After the ice with people, they'll throw dirt for fun, like irony people, stunt show, not consider others feeling and enjoy.These seemingly hurt self-esteem, in their opinion, but that's just a harmless prank.No matter for fun or playing tricks on others, no matter who they feel how, as long as you laughed at the time, have fun, later will be left to the cloud nine.Even so, their popularity is not too bad, although they are not care about the popularity of people, but their reputation can be preserved and not be dark.Because in the eyes of striker libra such jorge posada, who is a buffoon, but so, hollow, no no threat, the slightest not hate their envy.This contrary to Leo, genuine Leo as long as a little casual show the true self, is known as show, love, to feel jealous, bottle is not.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius is a sign of individualism, strong sense of self constellation has a lot of, but few are as water bottles such dedication to the pursuit of self-centered and do not consider other people's eye.They all with their own ideas as the center, no one can persuade got, if they are going to do something, impulsively who also does not pull them.If someone is willing to and they united front, support and fight together, they will be more combative, ZhuangHuai fierce, great, feel how wise decision is, there is a will lead you to conquer XianGuan sense of leadership.But a lot of time if it is in a group, the individualism of the water bearer egotism performance in self interests as the center, even if is blind, regardless of right and wrong, good and evil, as long as meet the self-centered, they are still very willing to participate in.Because the team was able to bring their interest, this kind of person will be like a virgin cancer Pisces willing is driven.Aquarius is the greedy constellations of the zodiac, paring the miser, for interestskillCan not change color, no reflection, bloodless.Aquarius the so-called ideal, to put it bluntly, it is for material benefits, life all want to take shortcuts, something for nothing, nothing, even in the dream afraid of money was stolen, complete the miser image jump out however.

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