Virgo's dark side: capricious narrow clown

virgoThe dark side: capricious narrow clown

The lion close relationship with the virgin, and origin.Tend to be relatively fixed cannot easily change blood relationship, such as parents, his wife and children, brothers and sisters, relatives and other fixed relationship.Striker Taurus is often used around the wounded officer to harm the lion lion.Virgo is being used, are bad people brainwashed easy success, they are actually not intentional harm to a lion, just entered the bad people very easily without self-knowledge of the trap.Of course, if it were not for the virgo, striker Taurus will never hurtLeo.Just a pity, persecuted Leo tend to have a virgo.

In an unfamiliar circumstances, which is in front of strangers, virgo usually appear very stiff, very strong self-restraint, they were particularly care about strangers, in plain English is loaded.Public occasions, virgo woman will particularly elegant, quiet, virgo man is very gentle clean and tidy.Also point to keep distance with others, give a person keep people away, out-of-touch feeling.But privately once virgin and people familiar with the later, no longer quiet low-key gentle polite a virgin.Their flaws exposed, capricious, unreasonable, outrageous.

Virgo's dark side: capricious narrow clown _ the zodiac

They often live in anxiety, maintain spirit in a strain, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, lost his temper for no reason, a word not go on the rampage, let a person cannot understand.This is a never satisfied, extremely like comparing, slightly depressed than people dark, consciously think live not equal to idea, from recognize unlucky, being bitter.Never admit his mistakes, even if they know the oneself that which is clearly wrong, they all die game, never compromise, is not had, is to do face, trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.Finally all responsibility is attributed to each other, no problem.How can such a person called objective?

This is a extremely subjective one-sided people do things for a person, selfish, narrow constraints on their extreme values family around him, and the set of values on nothing but material things, they look is based on the status of high and low, the amount of money, fame, the size of the is never an objective evaluation and treatment.Their eyes still badly, you might have, also don't admit his eye is bad, shift responsibility to the family.What your family have no wealth, no others, no one else has the right to have status and so on are all fell down their daily family irreparably, repeated use.They often feel mixed is bad is not their own reasons, but have no family, can't let their money.

Virgo man is very low, feel oneself is the worst.Side of the family once shows his skill in front of outsiders, instead, they think of outsiders, fearing to offend the outsiders, instead more forcefully on degeneration of her family, to meet strangers attitude, let outsiders from envy hate into superiority 阧 liters.Instead, they feel to do, so do won the welcome outsiders and identity.This is how they do their family off as worthless for outsiders.Before didn't get the attention of the outsiders, they were bowing and scraping, servile, extremely envy bad man group's collective life, really want to fit in, at the idea to try to win an outsider, attention, and become one with them and think it is a proud thing.Family is a friendly reminder is bound by them as their freedom, interfere with their friends.They felt that all good family for them is violated their self-esteem and interests, but the bad guys.They just think, family is not as good as outsiders.Family, the better for them, the more they will not satisfied.The discontent is actually a kind of his evaluation is too low and inferiority complex.They feel so bad in my heart, everywhere is inferior to others, family is still so good to them, it seems to be impossible.Family, if really have skill is not so good for them, so just means the family is not as good as they are, to explain the cause of the family warm tolerance to them.

They have a kind of traditional feudal thought deeply rooted in my heart, they don't believe in tolerance generous.Even Leo around for their care to caress, they do not feel protected, they are precious.In their values, only the lower people will compare them higher good be in conformity with the general, the higher the person how low contrast them, this is the thing that does not exist.They don't seem to know the most basic emotions, do not know the warmth of family, even if a parent concerned about education still can't understand their children.They feel their own children is that they produce, position itself below them, there is no voice and all other basic rights.They can think what to do with how they treat their children, a bit not equal to idea just punched and kicked the nasty, also feel yourself doing it right, is good for the child, the parents education child is should, they understand what is education?

In terms of treat their family members, they require extremely strict, almost harsh pervert.To do things they would conduct their own family, even if a second delay they can't wait to go on the rampage.Once their families argue, they would almost nervous attack, angry, he would immediately ran to get things done, come back again fell down curses.Ignore them well, they had while scold out their short, a few hours or a day responsive to family, may not get the usual discount for the second day, their breath away.If dispute they even would break into a furious rage, according to their nature, make unexpected things come out, my family also feel puzzling, do not understand, but they feel a great injustice, pain, helpless, helpless, feel the warmth of family, more looking forward to the outside world.

This kind of person the same mantra is: the secular, blind, head brain is bad, lack of the fire, how so unlucky, useless things...And so on.For people to not objective, it is extremely not calm.Encounter things don't have a clue, like a headless fly, tough, they will immediately think of some useless person, and not find true can help to solve.Instead, they are bad people have a great expectation, by good luck hope the bad guys can do something to help them, so they can prove they are right, the so-called bad people think bad is not family.They have been living in self-deception, or self-deception and didn't notice, it might be around family lying to them.For family as a good man, they disagree.Any time all can't think of them, is not to want to get those good people, they seem to don't want to deal with a family as a good man, like associate with good people suffer.But in their relations with bad people often disheartened, meat, they still impenitence, race, like bad when is also a kind of satisfaction on voluntary.

This is extremely abuse of people in front of outsiders, in front of the family is a sadist, this is, of course, only refers to the is Leo family situations they encounter.If virgo in the beer and skittles, cold-blooded heartless, no sense of responsibility are striker Pisces that kind of scum, instead, they are subservient to the scum, take docile post, dare not.But a virgin is the amount of the lion inclusive very kind to them, step by step trample on the dignity of the lion, stepping on the bottom of the lion, until destroyed in accordance with the bad guys will help the bad the lion.

Sign the book says a virgo man calm objective, low-key low-key, serious, but it's actually not the case.Virgo is go on the rampage, like a mad dog barking.They respect for persons subjective narrow.Their heart is desperate to show to impress strangers through the recognition and attention, in order to compare with people, they can play, no cover, even with their home privacy disclosure for outsiders.Their serious is true, such humans have no sense of humor, not a joke with them and narrow to the point of even a joke won't listen.They have no patience, family member, they will be extremely impatient.Said they would rather listen to those garbage outside big lies a day, is not willing to listen to his family at home said a sincere advice.They can't distinguish right and wrong black and white, do not know how to measure success of poor judgment, they also lack the ability to think, in the outside also gullible.They are very serious, work hard and industrious, far afraid tired, willing to yourself and don't trouble to others.They are afraid to bring trouble to the outsider, but was very happy to drag on his family.They think a drag on the family does not matter, trouble stranger is the great sin.So they are often in order not to affect the interests of the outsiders, consider the feelings of a stranger, and damage the interests of the family, feelings hurt his family.

A virgin also pay special attention to details, but their eyes are very narrow.They can't see the whole, can't distinguish good and evil.They will respect a clotheshorse, tidy cheat philandering feelings of man, and look down upon a wear casual, unkempt connotation have skill.They even think cheating philandering man more capable, more popular, is they need to look up.For a flow of wordsPiscesCheater, they will be interested in, willing to listen carefully, listen to the Pisces how to flatter his severe born envy yearning.For speech they is no resolution, they also think that outsiders will not lie, blow out is true, is so stupid.

Pisces is just a clown, is really let their opinionsSagittariusBig devil.Sagittarius will not show jorge posada sinister face to face and so on the surface is bad.In front of a virgin, striker will bold simply disguise, honest and brave, speech will be a way, makes friends widely, generous and unselfish, turned himself into a image in virgo looks very perfect, let virgo fall into his trap step by step and willing to hard for it.Sagittarius: the bad guys will passTaurusSIMS to directly contact virgo retarded.Religious leaders are very good at grasping a virgin, Taurus cater to their heart, shun its meaning and lobbying.Such a virgin will feel the Taurus is a good man, is really good for them, and thus very believe in Taurus, the bull is bidding, as a leader., step by step, and Taurus will lead a virgin when fall into the trap, for what they use to deal with the lion.And the virgin is kept in the dark, still feel is their lucky met bole phase swift horse.

Leo is very wise, for striker Taurus these tricks can recognise a but don't ramble.They are trying to protect a virgin, to avoid a virgin continue to fall for it, lions moralisation wants to pull a virgin, escape the clutches.The lion a thought transformation virgin's thought and personality, but often backfire, virgin is never accepted, in turn also blame the lion, pipe they too fierce.By this time the lion became a bad man, striker Taurus instead is a good man, is the person who can give them warm protection.Virgo likes to quarrel, and the lion unreasonable for striker Taurus, as a lion, bother, just want to maintain the striker's reputation of Taurus.Servility of the virgin shows on the striker Taurus attitude, I'm afraid no one can change.Until they find is really the meat, then they had sought, began to fear striker Taurus, dare not to offend them.Instead, think not and meat, more want to contact the striker Taurus, want to do more things for them to recover before relationship.In the eyes of a virgin, striker Taurus is bad, is also a bad man, but they just don't want to draw a line under separated from striker Taurus, this is a kind of psychological abuse and finance.

Virgo and cleanliness and the cleanliness is not for their force and constraint, they will show the family around a little bit untidy and abandon, can't resist your chest, criticism.On the outside than their low status, the cleanliness also show incisively and vividly, naked abandon with disgust, shows that when the front of the others didn't feel embarrassed and offend others.For such people, they are not afraid to offend, feel is lower than their status, better than their poor people don't need any dignity and face.At that time, a virgin will show a kind of arrogant, a little disdain and contempt.They are typical of people only see appearance, see clothing shiny, house, rich people, they will respect, careful tender response, good service.(The zodiac /astro/)

They think money is good, rich man is not ugly.Don't have the money and ugly people is that they hate, away.Like a virgin to attractive Capricorn, simpleAriesVery despised.Capricorn general life in the underlying social, powerless, and ineffective, they think this kind of person is a failure, is they don't need to ignore.In their eyes, and have no money have no ability to ram and they despise the object.But to also have no money will not be able to Pisces, but they appreciate, feel Pisces is great, they brag is also a kind of skill.In their hearts feel fit into society greatly and makes friends widely, anywhere where is really good.

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