Aquarius personality attributes

Aquarius:Personality: antisocial personality

The horoscope learn says Aquarius is a service-oriented social characteristic signs of the zodiac.But on my side of Aquarius personality, in addition to showing that the quality, also showing that the anti -- rebellious, pessimistic, escape, extreme, stubborn, selfish, and so on.Not too much, but a dialectical unification.It is strange that these two kinds of tendency is not very good unity, perhaps today this society is so cluttered, even the bottle can coordinate and integrate.Their many years of experience ups and downs as if to give them a more flexible way of opportunistic, because they like to walk in the forefront, and formal way doesn't help.May be imperfect social system, instead of forcing them to reverse.Antisocial personality characteristics of its behavior is the most obvious behavior does not conform to social norms, hinder the public interest, irresponsible, lying, cheating and hurt others are accustomed to, after doing such a thing, lack of guilt, guilt, no sense of shame, but argue irrationally, to defend his own mistakes.Cold, rough, not honest to people.Sometimes fight, fight, attack others.They can't learn, including punishment, are difficult to repentance.Their normal average intelligence, many people behave and wise, talented, can win the favor and trust of others.In a group they were very little, but dangerous.

_ the zodiac Aquarius personality attributes

Aquarius antisocial personality strengths:

1, Aquarius, absolutely is the most attractive in the 12 zodiac constellation

2, the charm of Aquarius in every ordinary moments

3, Aquarius have superhuman wisdom, and strong sense,

4, Aquarius, serious and responsible for their own feelings

5, water bottles don't feelings paid for several people at the same time, he will only find belongs to own that

6, water bottles to be considerate, attentive, married to the feelings of specificity, is also attractive

Aquarius antisocial personality weakness:

1, Aquarius than Scorpio and Aquarius less vicious and courage, although bottle than all the others are there is energy, but still good compared with Scorpio then a little bit,

2, Aquarius than you actually are not much difference, water bottles mainly lost in, no Capricorn diligence (The zodiac /astro/)

3, Aquarius performance at ordinary times is a little flower.

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