Aries personality attributes

AriesPersonality: ictus personality

Aries personality hot, short temper, impatience, and have been tired of characteristic is easy to cause the ictus of personality disorder.Aries can generally show a gentleman, very the fair maiden's side, but the inner "violence" once tend to be excited, but just not the same.So a violent very "serious" Aries, you'd better stay away from him/her!

Aries ictus personality strengths:

1, Aries charm lies in his active and confident people sometimes is easy and intelligent people stand together.

2, the wisdom of Aries is not as good as the top three, but ram modesty, good at learning.

3, Aries and talking, and passion for people, naturally you like them.

_ the zodiac Aries personality attributes

Aries ictus personality weakness:

1, the drawback is that ram, he's too impulsive, emotional, don't know how to keep rational.(The zodiac /astro/)

2, Aries a temper too.Sometimes, don't look down upon his temper, you accumulate long good impression destroyed in an instant, and then want to reconstruction, still have to take some time.So angry, is a science.

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