The moon in Aquarius: baby

The moon sign [Aquarius:Baby ~]

The moon in Aquarius: baby

Easy to close;A perverse.Independent;Altruistic;Demanding;Perfect setting.

Positive traits:

Rich imagination;Inspiration;Can inspire;Has leader flavor;Humanitarian;The mediator;Idealism.

Negative traits:

Indifference;The lack of emotion;Unpredictable;Love to rebel;It is difficult to close;Too much against traditional;Overly aggressive.

The moon in Aquarius: baby _ the zodiac

The formation of personality

Baby bottles at the beginning of the personality development of the moon, mommy baby should will find no, also is the baby goes toward the direction of the command, ordered him to do his friend is better than actually, grow up learning with him, and he a life of sharing.He doesn't want to be tied by another relationship so much, but can make his helpless pressure dissolve kinship.

Of course because of rebellion and aggressive temperament, so he often challenge the authority of the performance, but want to let him learn to master the famous, not just for the sake of opposition against, in the same way, if he has such performance, mummy also should try to let him know that others can also do this to him, it can make him better understand the meaning of democracy and freedom.So to give its own growing environment and democratic environment can make his personality grow better.


Moon baby bottle has the potential of the reason is, is the science of thinking, and imagination is very rich, it can make him have a good development in the field of science and technology, such as for the auto industry has a very big influence of Henry Ford, is this star.Of the moon and the baby bottle is not only a rich imagination, idea is also very avant-garde, this can make him have more potential to engage in technology related industries, and even the related industry, it makes me think of the big director George Lucas, he moon in Aquarius, that makes he can in time and space in the future quite strange had created the landmark film;Star Wars, and then there are many movie related to star in the future, is because of his imagination as a starting point.

There is also a famous scientist, it is founded to promote creating spare no effort to the founder of the Nobel Prize;The Nobel Prize.He invented the nitroglycerine explosive change the world.

At the same time the moon in Aquarius symbol of the human nature and psychological rational development, therefore with mental and psychological development also has a lot of space, especially as researchers and psychological and spiritual aspects of the physician.

At the same time, he has a very good leadership, but it is a potential, is also a kind of conflict, he likes to make friends with people, also can arouse people's emotions, but also like to challenge the leadership.

In art performance is innovative, the old master, like Bach and his creation so far are still the main source of new creators to find new ideas.

Breeding, taboo and concerns

Conventional way of breeding the moon baby bottles is not enough, but it won't work, in fact his personality development is diverse, but also unable to finalize the design, so some new way of education would be more appropriate, like with friends to get along;Let him pay for family and participate in together;Wanted him to learn to make choices for yourself;To the point;Don't blindly respect authority, also is not unreasonable to revolt.

Actually mummy should find this baby has a mature performance, mental age older than many, so from an early age will see him as an adult is important, not only will this make him know the responsibility and discipline, also can let him know that you respect yourself, and respect for others.

Moon baby bottle is love freedom, which tend to make him form the character of immune, but also because I don't like bondage, and made him unable to maintain long-term relationship with anyone, it often makes his ability to deal with feelings and emotions are very low, and he used to take a rational way to parse the feelings of things, this tends to make him lose the elastic facing humanity and life.

He challenges the traditional and rebellious performance at the same time, can make he don't know how to respect, it is noteworthy that if have the behavior of the personality deviation occurs, it would be easier to become dictator of life.(The zodiac /astro/)

If baby sun sign inTaurusLeoandScorpio, which may lead to personality growth is not smooth, so more careful observation and teach its values.

The moon in Aquarius: baby related content

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