The moon in Capricorn's baby

Capricorn moon horoscope [] the baby

The moon in Capricorn's baby

Shy;Dominant;Will to power;Stable;Self-consciousness;The organization;No sympathy.

Positive traits:

The actual;Organized;Serious;Reasonable;Frank;Looking for a sense of security;Ambitious;Work in earnest.

Negative traits:

Too materialized;Too much pragmatism;Too serious and dull;The lack of ideal;May not be too romantic;May work first.

The moon in Capricorn baby _ the zodiac

The formation of personality

The Capricorn moon baby on the growth of the personality tend to appear more conservative, but also easy to cause changes in personality, so, to give him more choices, to help his own thinking, it also can let him know that he is a decision space.

Mommy should find the Capricorn moon baby is shy in the face of many things, this is mainly because of the unknown state he doesn't know what to do, and are therefore it is very important to do a show him, but in learning for the first time you don't have serious attitude, this would make him more overwhelmed, mommy, of course, also need to be able to share their experience with him.

Emotional development is also very important, want to let him learn to receive as a child and feel the emotion, and also asked him to learn to express the emotions, it makes his personality growth not excessive materialized.

The development of personality will have enough lively situation, therefore, in the personality development should be how to encourage the baby to try new things.


Focus, persistence is the Capricorn moon baby good natural qualities, this tends to make him in the face of depressing, repeated work, this is the spirit of doing research is very important.And there is no research work than scientific research need more time to do boring, repeated work, a moon but Edison's Capricorn will not need to be surprised, also because of this, he invented things can always change and affect our lives and the world.

Capricorn the baby in the tradition and history of the moon has a very strong interest, it is worth to develop expertise.Also because of the potential, and make many Capricorn moon baby can have good in politics and the legal profession and prominent, even continued performance, like napoleon, Lincoln, Washington and so on.

And although the Capricorn moon baby is shy, but it is need to develop leadership skills, which are absolutely positive significance to the development of his future.It will also have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of mission, this can let him have a greater potential to do more to make your performance let people find talent.

The Capricorn moon baby always want what I do is meaningful, but also hope to be able to the very beginning, so since the childhood will let him have a great aim, and even a celebrity, great idol.At the same time, the stars are often allowed him to take life seriously, it reminds me of a young actor;Matt Damon, he performed many of the film, has the strongly want to find the meaning of your life shine, and life is a sense of mission, of course, he also comes in a robust performance style, and not to make fun of life.That astrology can also cause the image of evergreen, art like Michael Douglas is another example.

Breeding, taboo and concerns

Teaching is very important, because the Capricorn moon baby will be among those who are exposed to learn from him what he had not, of course, they also will be seen as a young child into their own cognitive, so the elder's words and deeds can subtly influence him, so, let him come into contact with the positive things is very important, so learned a bad influence.

In addition, Capricorn moon are realistic characteristics, it is need to be aware of, not to give, and only see the get-rich-quick ideas, this will only make him lose the emotional life, so more smart baby's mental development.Baby at the same time the Capricorn moon in social learning is the lack of, so in the young period should let him to contact different people, let his understanding of the world there are more different.(The zodiac /astro/)

If baby sun sign inAriescancerandlibra, which may lead to personality growth is not smooth, so more careful observation and teach its values.

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