To propose to Aquarius girl big fight

Aquarius:Girl's personality:

Aquarius girl for marriage and held a little romantic idea, may be associated with their growing up hours later, most of the department of Aquarius people will see through the early human sentiment changes in temperature between family members, relatives, producing the habits they have a cool detachment see the world, so their lovers and spouses often unable to determine whether Aquarius girl loves oneself, if there is love that how much that kind of love.And Aquarius girl also don't know if I really in love, want to pursuit of what is in the marriage, so that they can give a person a kind of illusion is not too care about marriage, in fact they are very need to be concerned about and love, but the feeling is too strange that they don't know how to deal with such things, so Aquarius girl very likely will finally find a look is suitable for the object of lifeTo get marriedRather than choose love or love their own people.

To propose to Aquarius girl big battle _ the zodiac

The most way high-tea proposal or surprise (The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius girl's attribute is extreme type, if her personality is the "wild" Aquarius girl, that the way you proposed to her, can consider to use a bit more stimulating way is like two people together to go bungee jumping, play such as hang gliding, let two people tightly together, the key is in the adrenaline is stimulated the moment you yelled: XXX I love you, let's get married!Prompt she couldn't think with brain thinking agrees to marry you.
But if she is more modest low-key Aquarius girl do?This is too exciting to marry him, she is very may decide to break up with you soon, so you want to change bring with her to marry him.Modest low-key Aquarius girl although sometimes give us a feeling of don't care about many things, but they actually sensitive meticulous than we imagine, a lot of things she might have thought, like and you can get married, married life is on the details, and get along with in-laws on the problem of how to handle and so on.

If you want to talk to her to marry him, you can choose a restaurant is a little family atmosphere or garden restaurantHave a mealOr a cup of tea, the best prepared some love is over "companion", "home" of jiang hui, angel "the most romantic thing" or "married" songs such as invincible to marry him, let the store can help you to play, let two people are just chatting quietly after a topic the song listening to, and then you use very sincere eyes, gentle tone say: we consider marriage!

For Aquarius girl "wedding" is just a ceremony, the value of nothing too special, with a focus on the life after marriage, in fact no wedding also no difference, but sometimes because of their parents, finally had to reluctantly held a wedding you want.

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