To propose to Sagittarius girls big fight

SagittariusThe girl's personality

Sagittarius girl's motto is: no freedom or give me death.Based on this purpose makes them life in selected objects they want each other to give him the most basic condition is "free", one can understand you own vision, informal funny, don't interfere with their partners too much and give each other space to attract Sagittarius girls with him hand in hand for life.Because Sagittarius girls are afraid of marriage because of the many restrictions, these restrictions are easy to make your Sagittarius girls become a fear of marriage gens, may even stage drama of runaway bride in the wedding.For Sagittarius girls in the future the husband doesn't have to be long, because they know more handsome husband is all one day will be old, so they have more care about the husband's personality without sample like the ocean is open, best with a common interest, so two people walk hand in hand for a lifetime together will have a lot of happiness and joy.

To propose to Sagittarius girls "against _ the zodiac

The most way high-tea proposal or surprise (The zodiac /astro/)

Want to Sagittarius girl to marry him, suggest you arrange first abroad for a walk together in the holiday!Sun, sea, beach the three elements of Sagittarius girls with can't resist the temptation, because they are very like a constellation of exotic, amorous feelings under the catalysis of abroad is can let their mood to slack off.If you sleep not play what romantic person, you can choose such as phuket, boracay island to play, self-help travel is better if you can remember from the planned trip to the proposal before this period of time to avoid two people quarrel, avoid to let her feel you are a very love care about boy, don't do it, travel days had better not too short, more than five days and four nights is a good choice, let the heroine moderately relaxed after a few days ago, on the last day in the evening, two people are under the background of the setting sun on the beach for a walk, you began to constantly drew the outline of the future, two people together is likeBuy a house, which country to go to play and run two personal life together, and so on, but have to bear in mind that you have to let her know that she still have their own freedom, again after you carefully paved, do you want to holding her hand, will you prepare for a long time in front of her ring and tell her to marry him told her: "all these beautiful future she will complete."

If you don't want to so old terrier, you can go snorkeling, two people in the midst of the sea out of the ring, you already have prepared with you the most sincere eyes show your sincerity, she definitely didn't think you have it, surely she would feel you romantic, she is very happy.

For the part of the wedding, Sagittarius girls would like a small church wedding abroad, or foreign party is held the wedding ceremony, the wedding is not the point, the focus is on the honeymoon travel to distant countries absolutely, this is no less.

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