Aquarius all solutions

Aquarius:The whole solution

Aquarius on January 20 - February 18

There is a friend, when you are misunderstood by others, he

Will stand up to speak for you, don't you explain,

He will believe you;Even if you do wrong, he would have easily forgive you...

Because he knows you, understand you.Encounter this kind of friends to cherish.

Aquarius rational terrible.It will be very realistic to consider the future of two people,

If you feel no future, just let go.

Methodical bottle rarely emotions out of control, and few can make bottle emotions out of control,

If there is to see the heavy things or people.Bottles of rational sometimes also will be very hurt,

For example, two people who love each other, each other bottle feel development or the future of the barriers to each other,

Will choose to leave automatically.And don't give any reason

Aquarius, very few people understand them, they understand but lots of people,

Always serve as a guardian angel Aquarius the best candidate.Because most people see is their smile,

Aquarius has brilliant of smiling face, can disguise all smile.

Aquarius has been treated asThe childThe son, has long been as naive children don't understand sadness,

Aquarius heart always crave more comfort and care for others

Aquarius all _ the zodiac

If the Aquarius decided to be with you, then you are the whole life of them.

You'll rarely hear they say I love you I love you so.

As much as they are in love will say I miss you.

They will when you are not care say I love you, while you surprised, no longer hear the second time.

And the bottle's face is not like in the profession.Struggle!!!!

Aquarius has been guarding you, but no one know of their love and care

Aquarius always put yourself in for the other people think, as long as a little reward, she can show the most real smile

Aquarius never bear grudges, maybe just very hate people,

To see her hurt, no reaction on the surface, the in the mind is also in love...

Aquarius often self-effacing others, even if hurt by others, she also just laugh it off.

Aquarius always feel very lonely, is not no one around, just do not want to.

It makes the bottle out from time to time to see mobile phone,

If you find that the bottle and you don't play mobile phone when you go out, you the man who is her greatest treasure

Aquarius will not literally fall in love with a person, once you really love will be very deadly, will always put you in mind.

Bottles are not used to take the initiative to befriend with people, it is easy to be moved, very sensitive,

See what all don't care about, not careful, in fact is the inclusive each other,

So pretend what all don't know.

Aquarius is justice, hate hypocrisy, lies, hate deception.

Aquarius is very heavy sentiment, as long as the sincerity of friends, will treat wholeheartedly

Little initiative to contact.

Aquarius is a slow signs of the zodiac, the surface looks like many friends,

But true to his thoughts and perhaps only that a few people care about.

Most of the people, Aquarius may only be divide him in "know" this level.

Of course also is not to take the initiative to contact.

So, if you are Aquarius will take the initiative to contact person, then you have been very important for him

Aquarius, very tired, Aquarius, always with a smile on his face, and it doesn't matter, strong, but my heart has been with tears;

Aquarius is always cold to strangers, but familiar with xi xi ha ha;

Aquarius always show very strong, actually very weak;

Aquarius always says he is not lonely, actually very lonely;Aquarius is always misunderstood, but are reluctant to explain.

Aquarius, too tired.


Is the most let a person feel bad

The most like to be alone

Dare the most distinctive

Most likely to have a collection of addiction

The gender concept

Most will drag the time

A favorite fantasy

Most will chat

Most in need of space itself

The most a whim

The most likely when dark horse

The most corrupt sleep

The most rational

The laziest

The most I did it my way

The most calm, you are the hardest to understand the disaster

Please don't fall in love with Aquarius, Aquarius afford to wait, afraid of loneliness.

Please don't fall in love with Aquarius, Aquarius like STH over and over again, in a short while crying, laughing.

Please don't fall in love with Aquarius, Aquarius: there is no justice in the world, forever only love myself and the person standing on the side.

Please don't fall in love with Aquarius, Aquarius like a contradiction.

Please don't fall in love with Aquarius, Aquarius is very good, very good, very good, well, you can't afford to

Sometimes the dream is too big, Aquarius people say bottle dream impossible to achieve;

Sometimes bottle dream is too small, and some people say that water bottle down;

But can? Again, the future is always their own, the dream is always own, no one will help you achieve it.

In this world no wounds people, really can heal yourself, only yourself

Aquarians are innovative idea, don't we arrange out CARDS, often have a heap of the arrogance of the powerful and unconstrained style type theory,

In others' eyes is a special part of honor,

This is what they charm, so the more special, more weird hair style, more can show the rebellious Aquarius.

Aquarius: you can try to cut some asymmetric, uncoordinated hairstyle show!

Aquarius like wisdom is more conservative, simply speaking,

Aquarius like like the atmosphere of the pursuit of peace.Want to catch the heart of Aquarius,

You must have a specialty.Let him think you in this field is superior.

Don't cheat don't cheat don't cheat don't cheat don't cheat don't cheat the Aquarius.

Bottle hate dishonest person!!!!!

Sometimes, not self-confidence;Will take out courage;

Sometimes, pretend to be happy;

Sometimes, capricious.For small thing was moved to tears, will can't sleep for little excitement.

Listening to the sad sad song, will also be in the happy time and care about my people to share.For a long time,

I feel like I was not good enough, I admit, I'm not perfect, but I'm Aquarius is really

Aquarius is basically a very painful.

The appearance of the surface is always very active happy but nobody when they are injured.

An Aquarius is always a sense of sadness, they won't let others found.

Aquarius people are afraid of being hurt is abandoned, also afraid to others hurt and not happiness,

Can only be proofed himself with everything.So water is very nervous, mental weak capacity, easy to sentimental.

Aquarius is not very hard, but have great wisdom, and strong sense.

Aquarius usually looks like a little flower on feelings, but that's because water seriously, responsible for their own feelings.

Water won't take their feelings at the same time pay to a few people.He will only find belongs to own that.

Considerate care, married to the feelings of specificity, is also attractive.

Aquarius is lonely, never like to grab things with others,

Hope to people around him are willing to stay.

People are busy, it is not easy to water bottles to a person keen,

The contact bottle was he that at the beginning of the lukewarm attitude has scared away.

But the real into the bottle in the mind of man, will find water bottle is not the bottom line for people better.

Those who miss the water bottles, the loss.

Aquarius men a few features: nervous. Like any heart silly smiling. Very self,

Silence is golden, but the words are the key word. Although the mouth said how do you want to,

But in the end he win, love fishing person appetite. Like warm flavor of love.

Speak not in front of strangers, like poking fun at the familiar friends and colleagues.

Heavy of friendship.There is a little small frowsty coquettish. Hidden.

Aquarius, care about the personal space and privacy, don't like being bound, its own will, like the feel of that kind of attention.

To friends very polite, inside the friend feel that she is very easy to get along with,

Hot and cold, but for her boyfriend can hang your boyfriend, then go with friends.

Love, friends, but really few, very few people can walk into their heart, don't think anyone can understand them

Aquarius advantages:

1 temper to go too fast;

2 have a fight, like fighting;

3 hard work, try their best to independent portal when their boss, boss of one of the most signs;

4 heavy sentiment, handout spirit;

Five others good to him, the typical representative of double return;

6 rancor, easy to coax;

7 simply didn't trying;

8 and words in the table, do not disguise;

9 do things done

10 natural overall planning experts, strong planning

Aquarius, persistent, unpredictable.Insecurity, possessive, manipulative.

Easy to entertain foolish ideas, paranoid, extremely sensitive, jealous,

The easiest way to be jealous.Hot and cold, far and near.Love self-pity, N heavy character, severe schizophrenia,

Extra large mental derangement.

- to all need to caress, Aquarius

Fall in love with the bottle in fact should not feel tired, happy, after all, they are positive, not be setbacks defeated the representative of the zodiac.

To chase will only have innumerable the goal of common, endless happy to feel together, fulfilling life never have trouble time.

If must say tired, also is the physical,

Because there are so many fun to consume energy, fall in love with such a lively water bottle, even if the sweat, tired and happy

Aquarius like to pursue his own life, with the heaviest,

Have the wind general character, individual character is unique, occasionally showing indifference.

If you have a love of the water bottle, it is hard to fall in love at first sight, seem cold bottle of don't intervene in others things,

Actually often is in disorder, troubled state,

Pain is difficult to forget the past and the bottle is fragile fragile, while advocating freedom, but still can't give up the love

Aquarius personality traits: independence, intuition, fraternity, use two sentences to describe,

1. Dare to maverick, the pursuit of one world.

2. Rational mediator is naive, friendly character.You have the courage to do their own impression to the person, independent, not afraid of human speech attitude is the source of your charm.Overall accuracy, especially for love there is no fantasy and not pushy.

Someone said that the water requirement for partner is too high, so pay attention to feeling, if feel right,

Water bottle can't moving eyes.

But most of the water bottle will deny happened in his love at first sight,

Because always vain, admits that it was love at first sight appears to be in insult her intelligence.

Emotionally, bottle need to slowly get along with,

Because the bottle is a passive, slow hot, put don't open signs of the zodiac, know the longer, the better for you

Aquarius: the biggest weakness is softhearted, even if again big hit and damage, as long as each other down, I'm sorry,

Devout apology, we can't help but say it doesn't matter.

Aquarius the hide cry, others see the tears,

Will I go to sympathy, to comfort.Aquarius heart the most soft, also the most vulnerable,

Daily happenings, accustomed to a person to bear

1 heart only can read signs of the zodiac

2 the only intent on constellation of disappearing from the earth

3 the only can chat with lion, ram signs of the zodiac

4 the only able to destroy the cancer constellation

5 the only able to reassure Gemini constellation

6 the only let you helpless signs of the zodiac

7 the only read Scorpio constellation

8 the only constellation and the striker hit it off.

9 the only constellation can't and a virgin forever.

10 and the constellation Taurus all's well that ends well (onlyThe zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius is lonely, never like to grab things with others,

Hope to people around him are willing to stay.

People are busy, it is not easy to water bottles to a person keen,

The contact bottle was he that at the beginning of the lukewarm attitude has scared away.

But the real into the bottle in the mind of man, will find water bottle is not the bottom line for people better.

Those who miss the water bottles, the loss.

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