Leo the whole solution

LeoThe whole solution

Leo on July 23 - August 22

Leo people don't play means this is normal phenomenon,

Because they always think if feel sorry others play means,

This is a manifestation of the goodness in their hearts.They hope that through their own efforts to achieve the established goals,

People don't like, because in the eyes of the Leo people is very low,

Can really let Leo people admire the people, must be on their own power station to the top of the world

Please don't fall in love with Leo, the lion afford to wait, afraid of loneliness.

Please don't fall in love with Leo, the lion with person you like, for a while to hello, bad for you in a moment.

Please don't fall in love with Leo, the lion of the world there is no justice, forever only love myself and the person standing on the side.

Please don't fall in love with Leo, the lion like a contradiction.

Please don't fall in love with Leo the lion is very good, very good, very good, well, you can't afford to.

Someone says, don't in love with Leo,

This is a fact, because Leo always give their all to bet on love,

If you can't love, she is my all, don't bet on and his (her),

Otherwise, in the end, although lost all,

But, you never know, in the heart of Leo, how deep is this scar down,

More do not know how much he must pay the price!

The woman love is dark

Would rather lonely in gold, gold bowl with a spoonHave a meal, don't sleep in a warm wooden bed

For the Leo woman, men have only two, slaves and king,

And she will, of course, is the king of wealthy and powerful, the famous three should have at least one of,

But that kind of person is often just on the surface of a king,

So a lot of the Leo woman fell to continued sentimentality.

Leo nature fun, curiosity, no matter how much he, childlike innocence has not changed, together with him,

Please don't use the same emotional life instead of everything,

In addition to feelings, he can appreciate a more exploring forward enjoy partner together with him,

He will bring you more surprises.Look at his childish, please don't accuse him of childish,

His childish exhibition now only front of the person the most care about, then he is the most lovely the most innocent!

Leo all _ the zodiac

Lion Cuo like charming goblin: dependent type..

Leo man enthusiasm, sunshine, self-confidence.Are born with leadership, like the feeling of being dependent on.

The natural period of charming romantic small and acting like a spoiled bratA woman

O, circulation flashing between lovely charming is afraid,

Sometimes proud like a princess, so zhao qian face Charlie,

Is again and again and decoration of the Leo man also not resist her temptation.

Leo boy is a king, self-confident, inevitability, let a person fear.

In fact, he is in front of love a gentle big cat,

You can only be felt he was "cool" observe side.

His head when he stuffy pay for you, from time to time in front of you show your ability,

You just have to play the role of a little girl,

Depend on him, obey him, admire him,

He will take good care for you, put you in my heart, restore the majestic demeanor

Though normally high, strong lion is a great shape,

But in the emotional heart actually is quite fragile.

They long to be lover's concern and care, so mature and full of manly men,

Affectionate kindness and say a few words to them, will make them extremely touched, love to cannot extricate oneself

Few really know Leo, maybe only the Leo people will understand.

The lion is very insecure, they are afraid of losing, afraid of don't care, fear of betrayal, fear of cheating.

They hateIt rainsDay, hate to hide, is ignored.

Sometimes the lion is also a need to be protected constellation.

The MM of Leo is full of sunshine and confident, like to become the focus of the crowd,

So they pay attention to outward appearance very decent, decent.

Leo girl not dieting can slim down, but must be movement,

Such visual stimulation can also make them have the determination to lose weight, but

To buy a small clothes or pants hanging in his own bed, encourage yourself.

Which would be more able to achieve a predetermined effect.

Leo, is absolutely the most attractive signs of the zodiac.Don't too hard, but have superhuman wisdom, and strong sense.

Lion usually looks like a little flower on feelings, but that is because the lion's earnest, responsible for their own feelings.

The lion won't take their feelings at the same time pay to a few people.

He will only find belongs to own that.

Considerate care, married to the feelings of specificity, is also attractive.

Often wonder, lions can don't be so sensitive, intuition can not so accurate,

Please don't be so easy to discern the lies of others.

The lion really hate closest to lie to her, the damage will last for a long time, it is difficult to forget.

Don't lie to the lion, it will only make you like a clown with explanation to conceal,

Love your lion can only join heart-wrenching to watch your homing from "fairy tale" so don't hurt the lion

I am a Leo, happy laugh, sad will cry;Like to say that like, don't like to say don't like.

I am a Leo, I have my own ideas, opinions, practices, not like some people, have their own views, not to say;

Have their own way, don't do.I am a Leo, I like to, I don't like compared to people,

But I like to surpass my own.I am a Leo, I work hard, my pride, my pride.

Leo is not easy to let a person see the TA were injured,

Even break up in the feelings, no matter if he is worthy of a party,

Because normal image is too strong so her own injury,

Also been comforted herself said that's ok,

Deep fear of relatives and friends worry that with no mask, silently bear all,

, because the lion's mask is too strong to let everyone always thought of feeling hurt by TA,

You can always get better soon

Only truly understand Leo,

Can see that a wisp of fundus seems to have no sorrow,

To understand what makes Leo so blinded,

What makes the lion blows hot and cold became so uncertain,

To realize a lion's strength just tried to hide the fragile.

Lion, actually is just a cute, naive, unruly,

Suppose you love a little more lion!

Leo is proud.It can tell from their walking gestures.

Self-respect, especially female lion, will also raise their jaw gently,

Raise their noble head, a pair of Lin however inviolable.

However, they are also sensitive and insecure.

Someone summarizes Leo is "the most gloomy sunshine", is really great.

Leo's Achilles' heel: temper is a little big,

Surface gentle to others think very good humiliate,

But temper big scary at heart;Split personality conflicts, strong self-esteem;

Too real, serious, see a problem too;Lonely, insecure, autistic, depression;

Love too deep, more vulnerable to injury, injured will choose escape;

Like disorderly want to, think too much, love, very stubborn.

The Leo sometimes really want to eat you into the belly,

Reveal your secrets.

Why are so wonderful sign?Domineering childish,

Let a person can't possessive. If discovered by you,

I will certainly took the face of angry?You are the sun,

Your enthusiasm, independent, strong, kind, integrity, rationality, sensitive, active, proud.

Hold on, unpredictable.Insecurity, possessive, manipulative.

Easy to entertain foolish ideas, paranoid, extremely sensitive, jealous, the most likely to be jealous.

Hot and cold, far and near.

Love self-pity, N character, severe schizophrenia, oversized neuropathy.

To all need to care of Leo.O love!

Leo men hate girlfriend too much detail.

Leo guy is basically have patience, but for a lot of things he can't remember too much detail,

He will only remember a probably,

Asked him if his girlfriend too much detail on things,

He can feel each other very bothersome,

Even if he is very can't stand each other just chat

The lion is very open and bright, not happy time will deliberately hide themselves, just want to show more independent more strong;

The lion is very sensitive, look be like what all don't care about, not careful, is actually in tolerance each other, so will pretend what all don't know;The lion is very real, very justice, hate the most weak procrastinators, more hate opinionated people;

The lion is not express their emotions, so you're often use silence to replace.

Leo is not good at to refuse, not good at showing don't like it,

Surface very easygoing very doesn't matter, the heart has been set boundaries and sick to death,

That even if others say the lion frowsty coquettish,

Some people don't understand the meaning, one day find lions originally is not the same as we imagine,

Feel a bolt from the blue, feel the lion fickle,

Think the lion crazy,

The lion is actually slowly go far in many details.

Leo nature fun, curiosity, no matter how much he, childlike innocence has not changed,

Together with him, please don't use the same emotional life instead of everything,

In addition to feelings, he can appreciate a more exploring forward enjoy partner together with him,

He will get more surprise for you.Look at his childish, please don't accuse him of childish,

His childish exhibition front of the person the most care about now, only this

When he is the most lovely the most pure

Leo will not rhetoric, for you don't like will not give up love for the other.

So when the lion fell in love with you, no doubt, you've become the happiest person in the world.

As long as the trust absolutely to the lion, lion to you the most romantic the most warm life.

Just, very few people can make the lion fell in love with.Sensitive lions to detect any hint of shake.

The lion to who are good, seems to be good to people has become a habit,

To feel that the lion ambiguous with so many people.

To like of the person rink hijinks tao lung,

Love is something that people look at TA will buy,

Of the person you like freely say an idea TA TA will keep in mind and so as to realize,

For the lion, the friend is family, and of the person you like is the sun, the family member has been in my heart,

The heart is always around the sun

The Leo woman fall in love with a person can love, maybe her a lifetime only love a person,

Lion woman is precious emotions, she can fall in love with a person very hard,

When she falls in love with you, please treat, Leo to forget a person need for a lifetime,

If fall in love with the lion, please love deeply.

For the lion's tip:

1, angry with others for 1 minute, you lose 60 seconds of happiness in my life;

2, if you can't forget yesterday, there won't be a better tomorrow.

3, good in some people's eyes you still lack of the word, but that's not your problem, is they have a problem;

4, looking forward to is the root of all heartache.

Five, time will heal almost everything, give time time.

Lions like to throw its weight around, the loneliness is the most helpless.

Happy things to find people talk, until they get a warm response;

Unpleasant experiences also want to have someone to talk to familiar,

Is not, of course, in order to get useless comfort or sympathetic eyes,

But they alone is difficult to digest.

Once confidence in the face of endless loneliness, you obviously lack,

Can quickly suppressed all around.(The zodiac /astro/)

Like Leo must be very active very confident, otherwise will be cold away by a lion.

But the lion don't like the arrogant person, not selfish, strong-minded people is their favorite.

The lion is able to endure, hide in the heart not to say anything,

So the lion's lover must be a considerate person,

In the lion said it doesn't matter when I was a good, hold her hand and said: I know you is not good, accompany beside her?

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