Count Aquarius man some characteristics

countAquarius:Some characteristics of men

Twelve constellation Aquarius is one of the most rational, most original ideas, the most objective, the most intricate inner world, it is hard to understand man.

Aquarius is twelve in real inner natural and unrestrained, magnanimous, selfless fearless, let a person respect man.His heart was the hiding of charity mission, he is the source of philanthropic thoughts, he opposed to racial discrimination, gender discrimination, age discrimination, animals, discrimination, etc., for the whole human, social and other beings care than their more interested.He doesn't have the secular concept of high and low, he will be able to make any class as their friend.He likes all kinds of, various curiosities monster? Well, he was able to see the best in everyone, objectively he can just look at the relative value of each person.

Some characteristics of count Aquarius men _ the zodiac

Treasure friendship, although his feelings are cool, but he is a rare good friend, he didn't have too much self and personal tally, Aquarius is also likely to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the collective, human.He is a friend of every one of us, but it's really went into his world, even in the world of love with you, he is often outside the body, he seems to be an audience watching some enchanted land surface.

Aquarius is very difficult to into the realism of the group, he is more concerned about life should be like, rather than is now what kind of life.He often take life theoretical, his ideal have often been shattered in the realistic society, but he still stubborn.It is their lofty ideal, contributed to Lincoln, Roosevelt such a politician.

, bullying, although he isn't a power full of dominant desire, sometimes he even very docile, but this is one of the strangest and most unpredictable creatures, he can always surprise you.Him so sociable and friendly, but he is not afraid of loneliness, he also strongly need, seek to belong to a person's time, lonely let he exchanges and wonderful creatures in the universe, let him access to a variety of normal brain does not produce the bizarre thoughts, like Edison had body Fu chicken, Darwin thought of people is by ape man changes.

Aquarius seem detached, asing if is an absent-minded professor.His brilliant, has a unique thinking, his brain is full of strange, shocking thought and idea, see you from his reading, but, no matter what problem, he can let you few original ideas in view, as if he had been standing in the field of high-end.

He is a live in our own beings of idealism in the brain, he is a highly rational, objective, he can let you think of different way of looking at people and things, treat oneself he also like a objective and abstract objects, rather than a flesh-and-blood creature.When he was in the path of stubborn, you will find yourself in the same star alien universe, he is one of the world's most bizarre, most difficult to understand the monster.

Aquarius have intense curiosity, his pursuit of knowledge is not necessarily help him set up achievement in the secular world.His utilitarian thought indifferent, pursue independence, he brought serious rebellion the thought of traditional authority, not only to be bound, also too often ignore the boss, that he's superior talent can not be used.His unique, natural and unrestrained, let you respect, but he was too free from vulgarity, make you sorry for his talent.Clinging to his extraordinary intelligence, he explores the secret of human nature, his interest for the unknown of the universe is beyond the understanding of the social reality, his brain could really able to communicate with other creatures of the universe?All in all, he is always for those who do not take a secular mainstream knowledge unique applications.

He was a natural psychologist, he is eager to want to uncover the principle of human behavior, from anyone, he was able to find commonalities of human model, his brain never-ending super rich to think, explore, analysis, summary.He is of the greatest pleasures in others mind, see what they think, why do you want to, novel experience make him happy, can arouse his interest in different things, if possible, you and he will even in gender.

You always doubting Aquarius, he is like an outsider in this world, you are often found in he does not belong to his position, he belongs to every one of human, but he did not belong to anyone.

Fall in love with a man doesn't know Aquarius is your happy or unhappy, you than other anywayA womanMuch much more freedom, more freedom and choice in her boyfriend, but the enthusiasm of the Aquarius men, only ever any taller than freezing point, his reason let him not smoothly ignite passion, crazy in love with your moment, he still want to, it doesn't sit well with logic!God knows!Aquarius men do, which one is logical.

The claims to be the world's most genius, the most sensible signs are often public enemy of the woman, they can be used wisely manipulated his everything, let you to his love of tooth itch, but hate to the marrow of his reason let you fascinated, you have to believe what he said is truth, he doesn't have the lion's autocracy, the impulse of the ram, libra Pisces indecision, listening to the crab's back, but, but such a good men, who are often only love oneself, to others forever only three minutes of heat, those who are willing to together with you for a lifetime, Aquarius, is probably the most coveted you can do for him a lifetime of free philipino reluctantly nod, after all, such a man fundus heart only oneself forever.

Such a man often say a word, "I didn't mean to," and then put on a face of innocence, do you know why?Is, of course, in order to let you take the bait, and then let you initiative, let you are responsible for what you have done, Aquarius men always mature and rational to say a word of wisdom "are responsible for what he had done".So they do nothing the treacherous, smart for you to be responsible for all the things, as to take the responsibility on their own less of the poor.

Aquarius can regard you as a gay friend, he would, without hesitation and you talk about his girlfriend in the past, not his old lover, but he won't understand a woman in your mind what envy is.He often honest to tell you the truth, he believes that honesty and communication is the most important, he also for the real willing to hurt your feelings.Aquarius will tell you about his many strange thoughts, his heart yearned for a sexy star, so much so that you will think he is a roll of a bad man, but he just doesn't know what is hidden.Even in your blood boiling, going to bed, he can also friendly, sincerely to let you know, he does not believe the legal restraint is the guarantee of marriage, he don't know whether I can be loyal to the love for a long time, stability, lasting love is wonderful fantasy.

He will not sweet nothings in your ear all day long, he doesn't have to ignite your emotional words.But he left attention and devotion to you (at least) during his love to you, he let you feel he is of great interest to you, he doesn't have eyes fixed focus on your appearance, his time is located in in your research, he begins to watch you, he may analyze every word you say and do every thing, he like observation laboratory animals to observe you, he will care about why you would like this color, not the color.He may ask you some more objective, scientific, let your pains strange problems, even in the flowers, beautiful spring scenery garden, the neon of the bar, he was able to discuss with you UFO and extraterrestrial and romantic unrelated topics.

Aquarius man, for love it easily tempted, easily distracted, it's easy to flower heart, but it is not easy to change heart, belong to the fixed signs they flower posture like the big tree with roots firmly attached to the ground, with branches to expand the territory, if you are his roots, slightly can rest assured that he will hang on to it, if unfortunately found that you are just one of the branches, I advise you to turn, let the Aquarius man fall in love with you, except to be clever enough to love yourself enough, a cry two make three commit suicide by hanging of women in their eyes is beneath your dignity, is thanks to contact again, for they often let Aquarius men secretly miss a few decades of woman, is had not put him in eyes woman come and go.

Aquarius will not stay with you together every day, he has a wide circle of friends, you are just one of them.Get along with his friend, you suddenly found the world there are so many interesting and strange creatures.He has a "fear of close," he's very hard to be tied down by a fierce, intimate feelings, he is more like some distance relationship.Not his cold, but he needs to free space in order to gain different experiences.Even though he behaved as if they can flirt, is not loyal, however, he may be more interested in is found other people's thinking activity, rather than the feelings of others.

If you try to use the chain of the Aquarius emotional firmly tied in a stable relationship like walls, he loses the rotation of space, he will be desperate to escape you.

With the Aquarius, you will never feel boring.His new pattern in the brain and eccentric thoughts make you stunned, his brain never stagnation in the present, he thought at least above the age of 50 years, you will be proud to feel the potential he has won a Nobel Prize.He has an infinite endless original thoughts and ideas, if possible, you don't have to worry for bread.

Aquarius desire of woman is a friend of his life, a let his brain ablaze, stimulate the interesting companions of his thought, he need that can let his thinking space and add new content, also can find a woman, admitted that his original ideas.The woman should do let him intoxicated friends first, and then the life and sexual partner.

He was not a nice embroidered pillow and sexy angels are enslaved man, he is more fascination with those smart, independent, has a wide wide range of ideology and personality of women.If you can open the doors of his thoughts, you or he is the most attractive in the eyes of a beautiful woman, he does not live for secular vision, he doesn't care what is your background, what education you receive, you look like.

Emotionally he was born to be a cool creatures, his reason won't let him like a lion, Scorpio,AriesPiscesAs loose in the ocean of love, you don't desire to integral, immediately become intimate lover.

Twelve constellation Aquarius is almost the most has the humanistic thought, the most able to fight for women's rights of man.But, he is also the most difficult to bind man caught him into the stable love difficulty as catch butterfly in the cageGeminiAnd wildSagittarius.Completely give a woman for him is a challenge, in most cases, he would not prematurely relationship and bondage and lost freedom.If you want to and he pulls to the old, you should be prepared to slowly.

He yearned for his woman will not only give him the space, give him freedom, independent and free, also want to like him, he can't afford a in emotional can't self protection, to men pillar for the life of a woman.He yearned for his woman is a woman who has the ability to learn, she must love unknown, love to try any new ideas, love at new things, the use of open, and even odd thinking way of looking at it, the woman will think and he has not the problem, do not over of, consumption of interest.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius don't have a strong desire for women envy, allow him to keep good relationship with another woman.This is not because of his emotional change multiterminal, that's because he needs more new concept to enrich his brain, there is only one with wisdom, knowledge, beyond the realistic woman can let his emotional stability.

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