To count the Gemini men some characteristics

countGeminiThe characteristics of boys

Gemini boy is a genius, you have a special talent, whether in music, art, literature, sports and so on various skills, often make people alike.When charming you show talent, the pairs of love around eyes, most believe always accustomed to you, must can't miss it.

Gemini man, full of game cells in the blood, like adventure, wandering everywhere, is good at grasp the opportunity to you, as long as the environment maintain interest, can raise your love.But too capricious, you often wind, when others didn't have a favorable to you, you disappeared without a trace.Luck in master love, have to stable my own heart change quickly.

Some characteristics of count Gemini men _ the zodiac

Gemini love:

The Gemini man requires two love, into two kinds of love, anyway, he is to get everything into pairs.Nevertheless, doesn't mean that he is also asking to have two women to supply his love, if you can supply two kinds of love, his that I'm afraid he has early on your tail.

The Gemini man is quite amazing, he can use a one hundred ways to say "I love you", but also can always invent another one hundred kinds, so you have to have enough mind to keep up with his steps;But sometimes you also don't too tight, the clever you really should know when and to stay away from him.Gemini's feelings need time and space to entanglement.

"Change" is another name for one of his, Gemini has several name almost, he grew quickly, whether it's emotion, attitude, mood, ideas, or clothing, and don't forget, he is two people.Not at you, but you when two people come to see him, all the more interesting, especially when he apply to you.Don't get too close to his inner world, a place in your heart is not let anyone near, you'd better do as the Romans do, don't make the taboo.No matter before marriage or after marriage, he will not settle down, including his way to talk to.You must always keep the imagination, even if together with him all the seven old eighty, must also be so, otherwise you will live very boring.Very flower heart, very cheerful, imagination and creativity, will think a lot of, in front of everyone is easy to get along with, it was interesting.But deep down it is sometimes very closed, there must be one of the biggest unknown side in character is characterized with very observant.

A Gemini, workmanship is very smart, in every way also can show their talents.However, on the other hand, are made to understand everything, but everything is not fine.The strong curiosity and desire to constantly absorbing new knowledge, can make a Gemini often stay young and attractive, make many friends around him.Sharp and fast.Have a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, for new ideas and new popular feeling very sharp.Smart, have a phrase, it is a tactician and speaker.It can be properly correspond, calm observation, courageous and responsible.A whim of ideas, and there are always some bold assumption, caution beg a certificate of the personality.

A crab is character artists attitude, another character is clear social family, this kind of dual personality makes a Gemini, conflict of life, like fantasy, easy content to meditate and dream. And I know all the boys in Gemini, also have different characteristics, different personality. A less love to talk, don't just know there are too many topics, and he will only focus on ourselves and the centralized place, although he doesn't dare to face up to you, but he would while you do not pay attention to glance at your one eye, the eye is very wonderful, also should say it's a lovely eyes, he seems not very lively, cheerful, just look ahead and or have been out in the middle of speechless, he doesn't love to laugh, but his smile is so humorous, and I found that taciturn when he actually will have red face, and he walk together, will let you can't keep up with his pace, walk really fast, he is always on one side, don't talk, occasionally feel angry embarrassment, a problem you're gonna get. In perhaps only himself and his world day and night to accompany his cigarette, he said that his world was in darkness, but he is not around to open his heart, he don't know, he is so naive and cute smile. He doesn't know someone will pay attention to him.

Another Gemini is a standard Gemini, he has a Gemini's double personality, no matter day or night, also plays a different role. During the day he was cheerful and lively, good at bargaining with others, like making friends, warm, friendly is his personality, good at getting along with people is his specialty. In the evening, there is another he, a deep, quiet, with thousands of strand of silk, a late into the night, there is special feeling, will record your mood and feelings, he will make his heart pen down, perhaps sometimes even to himself all don't understand what he is to write about, because at that time he, who all don't know. The only shortage is Gemini, never positive handle their emotions, when he didn't know how to face will choose silence, wordless.

Gemini smart and no one can, brains moving speed is twice as large as others, exact and creativity is twice the average person.No one can resist your charming and warm praise, in the constellation Gemini men are the know the art of filling and fan soup as long as you use a clever and charming words, no one is not attracted to you.(The zodiac /astro/)

Don't say, I feel there is no absolute thing, even if it's the same emotions, the only feeling, only have the tacit understanding and trust each other, the constellation of spells, who will remember?

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