Sagittarius girls how to save your love

SagittariusGirls how to save your love

Title: half-hearted Jin Bushun

Plot: what do you think one day it will find your soul mate, so don't want to settle down with anyone, although you don't want alone, but also very afraid of being tied down, or because of the change of their hurting others.So you just in the crowd drift, maybe sometimes a little vague, but don't want to give anyone commitment, time passed so slowly, when you look back, unexpectedly found no talk about love, it is impossible to retain fond memories of...

Love the resurrection of the plan!

Is your biggest obstacle in emotional think too much, too love freedom and can make you feel not fixed in emotion, and therefore has been a lack of fixed relationship;If you feel fun, you should actually try to see, why in all the other parts were willing to try you, in the emotional hesitate again?You should be brave to accept the love from others, don't be afraid to hurt themselves or each other, when would you like to have for the fate.(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius girls how to save their love _ the zodiac

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