Virgo girls how to save your love

virgoGirls how to save your love

Title: the frozen world

Plot: even if your heart has been choppy, but never also like fine calm on the surface, completely can't see any signs;Because you always keep the image of the iceberg, like each other even if you don't know how to close to you, too, the development of the plot would plummet, for example, the other girls say to him, you don't have any response and action, and finally he and the girl you like together...

Love the resurrection of the plan!

On the affection is too shy to your Achilles' heel!In fact you have a lot of offensive strategy is feasible, but you have no action would have no effect, wait until the last nothing.So the best way is to take the initiative to actively, his thought of his good way actually do it, then you should notice you can make each other, as long as you take out the spirit of service, should be, no one can resist.(The zodiac /astro/)

Virgo girls how to save their love _ the zodiac

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