Leo girl how to save your love

LeoGirls how to save your love

Title: the prince is prince, frogs and frogs

Plot: you are very easy to be attracted to who has the qualities of superstar, initially you may be infatuated he tall English pretty appearance, and then began to worship of his engaging style, and no one can and superman gas charm;Do you want to always accompany at his side, but always feel don't deserve him again, so struggling in the in the mind for a long time, one day finally summon up courage to want to say to him, unexpectedly found he has fixed a girlfriend...Oh my god!What is this situation!

Love the resurrection of the plan!

Everyone scrambled to good man really is!If you again about face and not willing to, what you worship that object is easy to be get ahead;Sometimes in fact each other have a regular girlfriend, where are you still suspicious delusion, is not smart.So better to be fast, meet like the object is first investigated whether good he have object, if still single immediately launched campaigns, so you don't miss the good chance.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo girl how to save their love _ the zodiac

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