Sagittarius: reduce weight a secret recipe

Sagittarius: reduce weight a secret recipe _ the zodiac

SagittariusReduce weight a secret recipe

Personality: quick, inattention, optimistic, curiosity?B, honesty, love freedom.

Posture: a wide tall, teeth, the motor is developed.

Disease: liver function abnormalities, carefully bronchial blood fat higher disease.

Gist: super optimist about their body to go to harm want to

Personality fate decided to obesity

Nature informal section, you can move your cuisine not advanced in a five-star hotel, but ordinary roadway roadside stands and food.Sagittarians often do not have a meal plan, after - will be attracted.Freedom of Sagittarius person, very easy to eat and drink in fat.You don't like "haggle over every ounce, treat their own fat, often take a laissez-faire, turning a blind eye.Advice Sagittarius who best can make their own work busy, don't get fat because of the boring.

Hoarding fat for a reason

Dominate the Sagittarius body parts in the groin and thigh and Sagittarius people mostly have double horse leg.Don't like constrained Sagittarius, often with light clothes do dress up, loose clothing just cover up your body.You don't love tube personality, often let his body fat brazenly.

Micro fat gens: Sagittarius person looks a little small fat, just like a Sagittarius.They are not heavy but not the kind of type, once the Sagittarius people thin come down, may not be the sort of the imposing manner of men;But this topic is to lose weight, then don't say too much, to Sagittarius people to lose weight is very simple, movement is good, as long as they exercise will thin soon!!

Exclusive law reducing weight

What's on you very frankly, absolutely not stuffy don't say, expressing emotion is more direct, without any disguise.Once someone talking about things, you tend to be natural and unrestrained and loudly rang rang: "I am fat, do you want?"Advise Sagittarius to develop patience, don't eat Fried food, greed and frequent like Fried chicken, French fries and hamburgers, these fast food of high quantity of heat, it would be easy to make you fat.Personality too fast, you might as wellTake a showerProlonged, try to bubble bath to lose weight, and a lot of massage fat thighs, engaged in running or basketball and other ball games.(The zodiac /astro/)

Fat elimination method: Sagittarius exercise to lose weight will have the effect very much!!!!!

Sagittarius: reduce weight a secret recipe

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