Leo's parents

LeoParents (7.23-8.22)

A lot of people think lions is do bad parents, even also some people think that lions do parents might not like, it does not, however, the fact is that lions when they have children, it will enjoy live with children, and they are good at getting along with children, after all, the lion still like to be a king, and have children, they can just for children, parents and children will also lion as a king, but this view is, after all, is the ideal, the condition of modern already otherwise, many children didn't go to respect their lion dad and mom, is not only the feeling of the lion king parents didn't do, the more will be on the opposite of a child.Of course, there are some lions are timid, they also dare not to want to have children will make them lose the freedom of life.

"Son, I want you better than me in the future!"This sentence is a typical lion parents' ideas, they would see their children as a continuation of their own lives, rather than to the child is stressful, but the lion is spare no effort to parents in education child, as long as they can afford, or any children want they think children need, will pay without reserve.

The lion would parents care about children care about them, this is a kind of need, in fact is the need of love.What they pay for the love is the need to have a response, no matter the price is that kind of love, so when pay for children, they also hope their children can in a way that is they think they love.There are, of course, so the love of learning, the lion's parents also won't shortage, they fear their children don't like their love.

Leo's parents _ the zodiac

Lion parents there will always be the expectation and dream too much, so when the children when their expectations are not responded, how many there will always be friction, it is their nature, they always hope their children can make them feel proud and proud, so for the children's performance with high expectations, and in order to achieve their expectations, they will make a decision for your child, this is not very ideal.Therefore, the parents have to adjust their expectations to face different kinds of children, otherwise it is easy to form the eccentric, more can't disappointed by expecting too much, no matter what the children have performance, will not affect the relationship between parents and children to each other.

Actually the lion parents is very dramatic, so the children will like the level of their parents, a bit exaggerated, sometimes is very exaggerated, but a little love, now, of course, also is Shanghai, but no matter how they always hope the children can be happy, even though expectations are high, but to jump fire shouldn't be too hard, just hand to pull violin how may not be easy, but see their ardent expectations, seem to have to give it a try.

A fire at the same time of the child and the parents get along with fire up most of the time is no problem, but if has the dispute, the scene also will be very hot.Child besides is naughty, but fire emulative desire and desire was also can satisfy the lion parents' expectation, and the language of love, not ashamed to express.

While soil child clearly and fire child is different, both on the pace of life and reaction, first, of courseThe childIs quicker, and have self-discipline, so more can behave in accordance with the lion parents' expectation, regardless of the Taurus or grinding jie, especially small cows have too many conflicting, especially the speed of the match, but the parents have to have a little patience, because of the high completion of small cows, is slower, but can do very well.

Wind child external talent performance will also make the parents feel satisfied, but it will make the lion quality can't maintain their parents.At the same time the three wind child all like playing leather for your own reason, it will make the lion parents very cold, will make them feel wind child it is difficult to control.Twin of lying and small scales are headache for lion repeatedly, but life is some fun, and can use a friend's point of view to look at, but a small bottle will completely, this is the most hated the lion, little bottles likes to challenge authority, so unless a small bottle of attention to creative invention, otherwise the issues will be a lot of weight.(The zodiac /astro/)

And the water boy be that parents very puzzled, especially water often fire to put out, also is the lion parents and a thermal head of white busy.But get along better with the crab, crab is less in need of protection, and the lion like protector, can make they feel a sense of accomplishment.While the fish with too much helplessness of the soul, the occasional awkward also makes the lion parents don't know what to do.Scorpions and the lion is natural, but has the considerable enthusiasm, each have each site, non-aggression.Water and don't interfere with the child's privacy, they don't like, also can destroy relationships.

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