Libra's parents

libraParents (9.23-10.23)

Scales at both ends;Of course I want to say, there are two scale balance scale, rather than just a scale of China's scale, so the ends of the scale that the scales have two different extreme performance.But then again, a balance scale with the Chinese scale is the performance of the two different, but we are going to discuss the balance scales, because all the scales to keep two weighing scale in equilibrium condition, it is not the chance of a half, however, is one of the infinite points, that is a very difficult situation.Therefore, no matter how libra people always have two different performance, and scales of the parents are educated children also like to have two different performance.

In general scales is elegant, and as a result, another scale is rude.Of course, there are a combination of harmony and violence.Maybe someone will think of the seen hereGeminiDual character, but it is completely different, because the twins are good at constant transformation characteristics to confuse others, while the scales have a distinct personality advocate tone, only occasional shows the contrast of another scale characteristics.

Libra's parents _ the zodiac

So, some scales the parents of the children are likely to be very care about others view;Relative, are also likely to be rude, completely subjective, from don't care others selfish idea.Of course also could be charming and kind;More will be bossy, of course.And the above said won't appear at the same time, but individual appear in different scales of parents' hands.

Fire boy rude words and deeds to the most elegant scales are choking some male female, and too energetic, which makes the scales parents often can not distant, even there will be furious, but fire boy vitality also tend to make parents also therefore get vigor, libra.But the little ram has larger conflict, is primarily a small sheep selfish idea to scales parents think it's not worth it, and little ram hard to abide by the rules of the scales to specification, therefore always easy to have each other.

And the stability of soil child let although scales parents will feel at ease, child's response is slow, but soil which was eager to get a good interactive scales is a setback.But it is soil child behave, just on the aesthetic feeling, soil child's performance to scales expected colorful great conflict.Conflict with refined jie is the largest, is primarily associated with the behavior of snobbery, it often makes the scales cannot be fair to each other.

Get along with wind is child, of course, in the market will be more smoothly, and interactive just two other element of words and deeds tend to be too sharp, which makes the expect elegant interactive scales is very difficult.Some sudden performance at the same time, and the like breaking traditions and rules of behavior, parents don't like the scales.(The zodiac /astro/)

Parents and child may make water scales feel better, at least in the emotional response would be very ideal, just like scales speech interaction, while the water child like the interactions of mind, so there will be many words to say, and the water boy too much emotional impact, also makes the scales parents unable to Daniel to understand, and also in their mood.One small crab is one of the most headache for scales, is not only the emotional problems, and is very insecure, very scales was nervous breakdown.

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