Virgo's parents

virgoParents (8.23-9.22)

Maybe someone will think virgo's parents on the discipline children always have a good method, it is indeed possible, but we can't avoid a lot of people will feel this constellation parents always give their children too much pressure and requirement.

This is, of course, after all virgos are all the constellations is recognized as the most perfect and the discerning sign, this will make them have more request for the performance of the children, so the children of parents to do the virgo is never easy, change a point of view, you can followScorpioParents of children than, also never with his parents is a virgoThe childGo to.Because than miserable, you are absolutely can't compare with them.

When the establishment of the rules have been involved in the first place, especially personal hygiene cleaning, and then there is the establishment of a good life habit, so the children childhood memory may be a virgin parents nagging and harsh, often scolded for not being ready.

Virgo's parents _ the zodiac

But there was a debut the advantage of the parents is more self-discipline than the average child, also have good living habits, of course, there are good personal hygiene habits, but it is likely to have a not very resistant to general environment of the body;Debut parents may be too care about cleaning and hygiene in the life, so that the children grow up with in a clean environment to stay for a long time, and less the body through the self learning ability of immunity.

At the same time virgin the parents care about the boy said is the truth of the matter, they didn't like children will lie.This is not to say that the first do not lie, just most of the virgin knows the cost of energy and time to explain lies, honestly the truth is much more than, but they are too busy to go to a waste of time.

Debut parents not will like clever child, clever children, of course, very good, but for a child with excessive claim to stay at a respectful distance from sb, because that will expand the debut parents don't understand the children want to do, but this actually makes his debut parents will become more concerned about their children because the cleverness and trouble.As a result, they will be like obedient child.

Fire like the child will not have a virgin too fond of their parents, because the child will feel that their own actions and behavior are limited, but the fire boy grew up and how happy if have consciously will also good debut parents, because will be much more self-discipline than general fire boy wants, of course will also be more polite.With people and among them the conflict between a horse and a virgin is the largest, and many horses will when young will leave the family, plus they are also often will often do other parents said.

With soil as the soil is, of course, the child is able to adapt to and fit for his parents, especially small cows and refined jie, because the two constellations of the child is the need to establish habits and rules, and virgin parents are able to provide more perfect life experience to help them grow, plus a virgin parents are good at taking care of people, so the soil child also is almost don't have to worry about living conditions.And which is the first child may have some rebound in the same qualities as his own mode of breeding, is also likely to put a face, but also is obedient.

And like the wind breeze child is likely to be said before the do position type, and always with a little trick, so his parents always feel headache, but the performance of the child and there are many wind admirably, especially on the talent and learning, but it's too strange imagination and creativity but also could make his debut parents is easy to produce too much unnecessary you are measured.One twin conflict will be more big, especially in their speech and's mercurial personality, good expression, always virgins who thought of the "reform".(The zodiac /astro/)

Water child besides fish, the other two can be good interaction with his parents, especially his parents to dialogue with the crab and scorpions, and through the eyes of a friend or classmate to dialogue, if we can keep a friend relationship with them, the first parents will find;Although this constellation is prefer silence, not good at expression, but like kept talking with you.But the key Ji without comment on their ideas and practices, but with the discussion.Fish and performance and the nature of the virgin is opposite, so there are many virgin parents is to guide and correct the performance of the fish, but that is not right, although the fish need someone to correct them loose and unrealistic ideas, but they also have a considerate gentle heart.Rather than because of the relatively greater tolerance and understanding.

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