Leo has a crush on how to manage

LeoHow to manage the secret love

Has a crush on insight: 25 points

Don't give Leo ambiguous look, don't try to through casual body collision to Leo dreams, don't expect your tenderness lions.Leo for vague love defies all is "just so so" attitude.Actually he is more bold and straight, welcome he appreciate that kind of courage and insight.

Leo has a crush on how to manage _ the zodiac

Has a crush on positive action: arrange a formal appointment (The zodiac /astro/)

Don't casually jokingly said that "I love you", it makes him feel disrespected.If you are true to say that sentence, so please be sure to formal, dress up oneself, to give him shine at the moment.Then ask him at a restaurant, ready to roses, create a romantic atmosphere.In flickering candlelight, somewhat shy to express that the bottom of my heart though, with a deep feeling hot eyes seconds kill him, return afraid he is not scam?

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