Gemini has a crush on how to manage

GeminiHow to manage the secret love

Has a crush on insight: 50 points

When the love to knock at the door, Gemini he also light the feet to chase in the home, it will notice you.Let him look at you, unless you play with him a mad.When playing grabbed him by the hand to hang on, that from the temperature of the palm pass again how idiotic person also can't ignore.

Gemini has a crush on how to manage _ the zodiac

Has a crush on positive action: KTV big adventure game,The zodiac /astro/)

Maintain visibility in front of the twin, something all right let him for help, he's highly attention.When you mix cooked, then it stands to reason to invite him to your birthday Party, of course, don't forget to friends in common with each other about.Learning "the naked marriage age" Sun Xiaorao masterstroke, play note passed in the KTV, the premise is you have to sit with him, the rules of the game is a mouth to mouth passing notes, if inferior to no note, passed each other two people have to love song antiphonal singing, stimulating?

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