Leo spring tourist destination

LeoThe spring of tourist destination

Leo: tourism painted painted luck u u u

To be in a good mood, ravishing, good luck to the prosperous, also do not take this opportunity to go out to play, encounter big oh!And also is a very cheerful, call a person unforgettable journey.Throw to the prosperous city, staying quiet village of ancient town, feel the locals honest and enthusiasm.Can also ride bicycle, spin and enjoy a wonderful afternoon.

Travel type: the ancient village town

Travel partners: students

Spring tourism destination: shanxi pingyao

Shanxi pingyao ancient city, is one of China's most complete existing ancient city at the county level, one thousand years of history and the modern civilization continuously bump color, the unreality of avoiding Mrs Leisurely across from the air.Around the ancient city of pingyao, see Banks, pawn, biaoju to jstars courtyard, feeling then antediluvian gu yun, may be able to look back in May, saw a classical woman pass through side.

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