Leo girl belong to what kind of princess

LeoWomen belong to what kind of princess

Leo girl, belong to "hua mu LAN" princess.

Leo girl personality generous enthusiasm, seemingly strong and above all, she actually has a strong humanistic care spirit than anyone?Her full of sense of justice, the most can't stand is socially unfair things.Saw helpless, weak, lost on the way for the passers-by, the disease of stray animals, she absolutely without considering bend force for help.If you have any power bullying, let her know that word, she is sure to stand up.Leo girl at home, although capricious bossiness, when being bullied by her family usually will be her first.

Ancient famous female war "hua mu LAN", is a typical representative of the Leo girl.She can in order to protect the father and father generation of the army, she can kill kay turning back to honor her with justice has long been a stalwart attitude to improve the army's systematically, have the wisdom and aspirant, she updated and many more efficient battle strategy.She is have the courage to subordinates, and responsible manager.

As "hua mu LAN" princess of the Leo girl, in the face of love is selfless.Bright personality, bright eye, already let the Leo girl become the focus of attention.But leading them, still alone bell "anointed" yourself fall in love.Leo girl, although independent, they naturally romantic, or believe in life there will be a prince, spectrum transfer all over the world with her jealousy relationships, evenTo get marriedStill happy to the end of time.

Leo girls have a crush on objects, most have some sort of "prince" image, not appearance handsome handsome, is a talented, humor and considerate.Believe that the fate of the Leo girl, obsessed with gathering each similar small tacit understanding, if the other party, and she likes the same food, the same color, same idol, even on the same bus, she will think it is fate destined the two clues, then bold confession.Their sincere, creative way of love, often get very high success rate of confession.

Started with vigorous confessions, often also has a great relationship.Regardless of the result of the relationship is good or bad, can also let the Leo girl eternally.Because the Leo girl regardless of the background of birth, she will use his life to write their own "princess legend".

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