Scorpio girl to belong to what kind of princess

ScorpioWomen belong to what kind of princess

Scorpio girl, belong to "princess turandot" princess.

Why is Scorpio girl, "the princess turandot"?Don't know if you have heard that the Italian dramatist puccini opera written?Beautiful and shrewd princess turandot out of the three puzzles to relatives and friends of the prince, has "the right to marry, wrong is killed," the cruel rules.Many come to propose the prince, under the problem all died when princess turandot.Although has many people die, but because the princess turandot unique beauty, lost fall under her skirt princes are still in an endless stream.

Finally, a strange guessed the princess turandot's answer to a riddle, prince princess turandot was curious about the mysterious origins prince.Princess turandot ordered the people are not allowed to sleep on the night of the on the spot, if the prince's name, not all beheaded.Until finally, mysterious prince's name.His name is: love.

Very beautiful and very cruel story, isn't it?Scorpio princess personality like this story, the beautiful and cruel.Scorpio the be fond of the little princess is very extreme, they both enjoyA womanTaste, and have a passion for personalized decoration.They will fall in love with impeccable appearance of objects, also can look humble in appearance, but with a warm personality.

They are very mysterious, mysterious to bring some strange smell.Some people find her personality how all don't fathom, some people think she is simply a bit naive little girl.Actually both mysterious or naive, Scorpio is a camouflage little princess in the face of the world.They is because nature is too pure, so will force yourself to armed strength.As princess turandot, she's not by nature is cruel, but lampson princess captured by foreigners, in retaliation for the ancestors to very deliberately embarrass foreign suitors.

The grim Scorpio princess is a principle.She won't revenge or or for no reason at all.If you think you're been Scorpio, you won't like the little princess for no reason at all possible just because they don't know how to express friendly, or you have to ask yourself whether stepped on their mines.Might as well to being friendly to them first, maybe misunderstanding untied, you will be a more faithful not two Scorpio friends oh!

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