Libra girl belong to what kind of princess

libraWomen belong to what kind of princess

Libra girl, belongs to the princess "Snow White".

Snow White's beauty is a talent, but also because of its beauty stepmother envy, were killed by the stepmother design led to the suburbs.But Snow White was so beautiful, so innocent, let will kill her soldiers softhearted, could not help but leave her a chance to live.Get lostSnow White in the forest met the seven dwarfs, after some otherwise carefree life.However stepmother learned that she was still alive, and to design killed her again and again.Finally gets a coma of Snow White, wake up long after the prince affectionate kiss...

The story of "Snow White" libra creates little princess feel heart to be?You grew up like immersed in their own world, and the surrounding people's values and attitude towards life is very different.You have artistic talent, when you indulge in painting and art work, you can forget all about eating and sleeping.A bit confused in your life, every time go out forget to bring something, or it isThe testOften careless.People do not know some of you around a few times, each time you are alert on the spot, later forget.

Although you are a little confused, because you also full with people communication, so the popularity is pretty good.But you met someone else a fan of irrigation soup to you, you can easily happy dizzy tao tao, holding nose by others.Rather than you don't have a definite view, every time you are used to determine heart libra metric.Do you often in the "to do" and "to do".You may only going to buy a pair of shoes to go out, but will because a friend s praise encouraged, and accidentally hurt several expensive shoes, "the way" also bought several sets of collocation of shoes clothes, let oneself more beautiful maintain article.Do you often buy back in regret things in less than, but on the street you will still can't help but again the same cycle.

You infatuated with good things, good looking, eloquent people are especially fond of.After real transactions, however, are often alienated break up because of the poor communication.To the world has too many beautiful fantasy, you always want to sleep kiss wake, live a happy life from now on.Although a little romantic life is good, but you the hopeless financial habits, or have to convergence convergence, or before the prince find you, you might get you those with no expensive booty to beat li?.

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