Leo girl looks

Leo girl looks _ the zodiac

LeoThe girl looks like

Each time to see is not the same as her, not lenses color changed is changed or nail color hair color changed, give a person with different feeling every time) don't make friends with ordinary or local people, nor patience to accept life of loneliness for a long time.Love to play with fresh stimulus, some publicity personality but not run (I prefer to say that to calm a high-profile).What brand to buy some small vanity (reflected in will seemingly inadvertently in the blog write logo).Love is the highest, have the courage to love, don't mind if the other person's status, to enjoy the satisfaction of appreciation and support by men.Outspoken, often in the tone of big sister persuasion girlfriends, but I often make a moth class bitterness.Pleasant appearance strong, the heart wanders and dark.Stubborn temper, treat our friends sincerely, for the others think (premise is her friend like this).Also like the spot small small correction, correction of the feeling of life and thought is very complex, but also because of lazy and easy to satisfy the current situation.

Always put lang lang smile all show full of confidence, hold your head high, chin, stilts, even though it's not chief wu, let a person have to look up to, strutting vigour and resolutely powerful gestures, especially noble laureates wei just feel to the person.Usually have on his/her shoulder width narrow waist, eyebrow bone stress, wide mouth lip thickness, wide forehead, low hair line, the characteristics of the thick thick hair bright, if have a lion's mane, eyes twinkle, impatient, sound bright and shortness of breath and occasionally does not present a boiling nose self-consciously.

External generous strong inner emotional specificity, love is actually very hate and clear surface kung fu is good, but very warm like friend, an injured thing will over time become the in the mind can't touch the scabs, a trigger will strongly attacks (doping small violence).Heart to live with two different yourself, with a very dark side.

Rational, Christianity (after trauma in life the spirit of conversion), sex is very strong logic thinking, talking with friendly banter, strong independent directors, stubborn, neurotic.

White skin, and doesn't look very good but sometimes;The eyes of god, deserve to go up slightly aloof temperament.(The zodiac /astro/)

Summary: the lion look in the eyes of the woman is usually clear, open (when she see you is that there is no any conceal or wriggle, there is a strong, pure things).Their beauty and wisdom with a generous and open feeling, so a significant proportion of the female are more temperament, some beautifulA womanA very strong smell.They will use a lot of heart and the wisdom to take a love, lost will into another hidden humble self.Their lives need that strong sense of existence, so a lot of lion female like the feeling of superiority and to be supported, some lion female lost sense easily tend to abandon (too persistent lion female easy to neurasthenia, it is difficult to come out).Their expression can relatively tends to violent (some) directly.The Leo woman true personality is very cute, body strong, strong appeal also;Complex inclusions in a wild, alternative, and indifferent, ego, wanders (these need to be timely released), may be like a lion animals from chaos to awaken one reflected in life.

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