Capricorn girl looks

Capricorn girl looks _ the zodiac

Capricorn girl looks

Capricorn few fueling body, most of them are tall, thin, color of skin not white, straight hair, face quite peaceful.

Capricorn people pay great attention to their own appearance, but they don't like too luxuriant or too exaggerated dressing up.They are neat, clean, natural, and even a bit conservative and obsolete.They like light color clothes, the hair will be compiled to go out.Many have to work the Capricorn wardrobe in addition to suits, suit for rare sportswear and jeans.

Seemingly and cooked but anyone and who are not familiar, joking with her talking and laughing is very easy, but it can't poke into her own (to yourself or have a serious position).

Love to use cold violence, do housework, will ask like requests itself, disappointment will not release would result in the breakout of accumulation after (outbreaks of she is very cute, even other men fear).Idea of pursuing freedom and unrestrained.Like a witty and right expression (her signature), real life but not a witty spill??Take off.

Age is sedate appearance than the heart.In the mind of the person you like can quietly put for a long time, lost temperature on your heart.Interpersonal relationships in a state of balance.For their own pay strict cordon.

Smile is pure and bright, bright eyes but not mei is not magic.Self, real, serious.

Summary: she gave me the impression, mostly looks calm and cold feeling, the innate sense of distance.Their heart can only be "even drink, participants to sing poem" feeling opens, fortification is more, sometimes a little public all drunk I wake up alone, smiling eyes misty, wounds secretly.Personality tend to some extreme, lofty, reality, and not easy to be found little confused and inferiority.Thermal slow slow fever, feeling after injury sequela, life will change because of this belief, the wound will be frozen to numb heart sore, for a long time is difficult to heal.(The zodiac /astro/)

Hair was dark and usually many, like the clothing style, probably is not out of basic style durability.

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