Libra girl looks

Libra girl looks _ the zodiac

libraThe girl looks like

Djing at the bar mix life when I was younger, love shopping goods, but keep the rational passion for life.Life details a little messy, but life concept is very strong.Is a little small pure, don't mind other people think.

Is one self, the pursuit of oneself and others (that is, super fans handsome pot), like things to do, will definitely let go thought from the fetters of various forms.Love, hate, mouth hard (but) will remain objective.Good to the person you planned to.Attitude to life along its spontaneous combustion, know where their weaknesses, but it's hard to correct.See more open.There is a decadent the negative side, in the world their own state of mind.

Tolerance, optimism, see her silly one day, a theory that come out to let you lose, I didn't think she understand everything just don't say it out.Hesitation, always not blocked their way, will stay on.

From time to time is innocent age, is very attractive to man's eyes straying, let a person feel elusive, but she is very transparent.Live self but not selfish.

Temperament elegant, warm and charming natural look handsome, beautiful gestures, like a runway, supermodel or big shots in no hurry, natural and graceful;Posture is lightsome plump, waist and neck line is beautiful and moving, facial features very delicate and exquisite, hair special soft soft, friendly eyes, the nose pointed empress, face the outstanding is the perfect symmetry of a sip lip line.Lazy indulgence, be permeated with cheerful life clear his/their temperament, especially pay attention to interpersonal relationships, especially good at communication.

The sun in libra people rarely do not pay attention to appearance, because, in their "there is nothing ugly people, only lazy" belief, they are not too will sluttery look off.

Accord with the trend of The Times of the elegant dress, coupled with a fitting in attitude, smile is very attractive.(The zodiac /astro/)

Summary: I think most women are very reasonable scales, sometimes with the understand dissimulation, ensures your heart there is a safe distance between with others.For feelings don't try so hard, but the love will be very serious, there are some mental cleanliness.Anything less will beat, but once that is dead is very stubborn hard to turn back.Their attitude to life is worth learning, have take house had been put, and cool after a understand.

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