When Taurus jealous

TaurusJealous when performance

Taurus: denigration of jealousy

Taurus jealous of a person's time, the comparison of performance, as long as the in the mind really jealous, will brave say it out, he will be very lovely tight his eyebrows, denigrate his jealousy.

The performance of the jealous when Taurus _ the zodiac

"I tell you, this man oh, is not very normal, or else how can..."And then began talking about their think precision of inference.But how could the Taurus don't know their jealousy performance more obvious?Even obvious also to be shown, Taurus is sometimes do things regardless of what face.(The zodiac /astro/)

Face only a few twofold.But lose face at least gained certain achievements, granted to denigrate expression is Taurus won many people praise, think the Taurus may really is a frank person.Sometimes show obvious something is also a good thing.

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