Aries jealous when performance

AriesJealous when performance

Aries: instantly become silent

Is not I said ram really is lack of practice, peacetime always are confident about your ability to deal with things, often says this is not reasonable that jealous and running an exhortation.

The performance of the Aries jealous when _ the zodiac

Things out when it to his head and looked at their favorite and others close, Aries is like a whole person bubble in vinegar urn, the in the mind of the acid water have begun to glug a bubble, so suddenly quiet down.Aries suddenly the silence was very scary, people only see his gloomy face is unknown so suddenly, but asked him why he don't say, that what others know what had happened.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aries like this a little naive that actually, and often will cause some bad misunderstanding or something.

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