Taurus method to bear children

TaurusThe method of response to bear children

Bear children age gradient: three to four years old

The bear's worry about the children: always disturb you work

Parents should be how to deal with: draw them go out to play

Bear children of three to four years old, just learning to walk, to this world with infinite curiosity, everyday want to go out to play, but a little fear, dare not go out alone.At the same time, they are born there is a tendency, a see someone quietly doing, they just love gaps.

Taurus method _ the zodiac to bear children

(The zodiac /astro/)

When the parents are busy with today's financial calculation Taurus, this is going to bear a child at this time?Don't worry, to keep them out of your room tenderly, like with you go to the park by swing ", "go out to buy ice cream to eat?"Way to bear a child to the door of the little garden, to buy him something to eat, let him enjoy running in the vast nature.

Taurus methods related to bear children

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