Cancers to bear children

cancerThe method of response to bear children

Gradient: bear children age 15 years of age or older

The bear's worry about the children: what parents say he must to do

Parents should how to deal with: regardless of anything, direct freeze pocket money

14 to 15 years old bear children is self-centered era, they hate the childhood bound condition, eager to prove themselves can do anything in this world.As a result, they and the teacher, and students, and parents oppose, what others say, they must to do.

Methods _ the zodiac cancer response to bear children

(The zodiac /astro/)

Your parents the most headaches is the period of the child, although smaller bear children before love cry, but at least coax coax them is very good, but this age bear children the more you say, they are more rebellious.In fact, the parents will have no need to tell them too much, directly frozen their pocket money, they are helpless.

Cancer methods related to bear children

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