Christmas, Taurus peach/date & gifts secret love things

ChristmasTaurusPeach blossom date & gifts/love things kept secret


Please refer to the rising sign, Venus sign & the other

Christmas, Taurus will love you? / what is your gift?

ANSWER: skin care product

Whether boys or girls Taurus are very, very concerned about to oneself of face problem, so will use ordinary maintain article, including the mask, essence, or some skin care products, so if you want to send to close, then gave the Taurus will maintain article is best, because Taurus loves itself with these bottles, especially if you tell the Taurus how much a bottle of skin care effect is good, they will be happy to accept not refuse.

Christmas, Taurus date & gifts peach/love things secret _ the zodiac

Christmas dating, Taurus of peach blossom, the love is good luck things?

ANSWER: a transparent crystal or obsidian (The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus are very nervous at Christmas to lose your head, especially in front of the person to like, will be nervous to calm, but lost the usual style, wearing transparent crystal or obsidian, has stable physical and mental energy effect, is also bring the Taurus love luck guardian stone!

Christmas, Taurus peach/date & gifts secret love things related content

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