Christmas, Scorpio peach/date & gifts secret love things

ChristmasScorpioPeach blossom date & gifts/love things kept secret


Please refer to the rising sign, Venus sign & the other

Christmas, Scorpio will love you? / what is your gift?

ANSWER: a digital camera

Scorpio super love autodyne, take away their love doing others more, so send Scorpio, a digital camera is one of the best methods, and Scorpio love pictures also share, often write things they get on the Internet network diary, digital camera and send to Scorpio, you should also can sense when the blog's hero or heroine, this is can reduce the distance and Scorpio many!

Christmas, Scorpio peach blossom date & gifts/love things secret _ the zodiac

Christmas dating, Scorpio in the peach blossom, love, what is good luck things?

ANSWER: the aquamarine (The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio always give a person very sharp feeling, to protect their own love, must choose a dream soft energy aquamarine, aquamarine can let Scorpio is more romantic when in the face of love, acquisitiveness is not so strong, and the deeper the charm of Scorpio, and let the love more happy.

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